First time grower, long time smoker - Need some advice on seedlings

Apr 20, 2020
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Good day folks!

Popped these beans (CKS WW Autos) about 11 days ago and after 2 days in the paper towel, cracked and had tap roots showing. Planted in solos with basic potting soil with no nutes and had them under a dome with a seedling mat and T5 light over top. #1 sprouted within hours, #2 took another day & #3 took a day after that. Once the 3rd sprouted, I gave them another 2 days in the dome under the T5 and then moved them out into the tent (3x3). Have them currently under HLG 550 V2 Rspec on the lowest setting approx 30" from the light. RH is between 55 and 65. Temps range from 20-24 C. I watered them until runoff with tap water that had sat out for 48 hrs, and PH'd to 6.2 2 days ago after doing the weight test with a dry solo cup of the same potting soil. Today is Day 9 and I feel like they're stunted. What do you think? Am I just overthinking because it's my first grow? Are they just developing roots and taking their time? Any suggestions, advice or counsel would be greatly appreciated!



Are they just developing roots and taking their time?
Yes and I think that, at one time or another, all of us wondered why our seedlings were so small for so long. Good luck!
I start all mine about the same way...under T5...but Veg for 3-4 weeks before moving into a bloom tent. don't know bout potting soil...I use biobizz light mix and only use DI water for a month. Good luck with your methods.
I think when they are little the don't have as much surface area to absorb light but they soon take off exponentially and turn into big girls :D
Appreciate the advice folks... I know it's probably just me and overthinking things... Was kinda worried about the purple stems at first. Some people say due to a MG deficiency, other say genetics... :shrug:
They are growing more under the soil than they are on top,at this point. Believe me once they get their legs under themselves, they will dance for ya. Good luck!
Give 'em a chance OP. They're only tiny, remember you want them to double in size in a couple/few days.
They'll do it, but in their own time.
Appreciate the advice folks... I know it's probably just me and overthinking things... Was kinda worried about the purple stems at first. Some people say due to a MG deficiency, other say genetics... :shrug:
It a little early to be worrying about mag def imo , two weeks old and prolly still using internal fuel and water