New Grower First Time Grow under CFL

Looking good so far!

Also, plants are most flexible about 30 min after a good watering. If you plan to LST, that might help. I've also heard very slightly pinching the stem and then bending will prevent her from breaking in half when bending too. Just be careful but as mentioned - firm. They will begin their vegging state real soon and so you will want to get started on training pretty early with limited space. Good luck on your growing!
I don't turn on my fan across the canopy until LSTing is underway because I believe the dancing causes stronger stems. Like the advice re. watering time.... this just happens to be when I LST by chance.

On my most recent grow I have supercropped a few stems on my Cropical, as well as pinching a few stems in an attempt to slow their stretch.
First LST

So, started LST'ing today with lower branches of my "Quick One". "Easy Bud" doesn't seem to follow at least heightwise so I'll sit on that for now, although it looks like it grows with more branches.

I used screws around the pot, will add more moving on. LST'd only lower branches for now, will try with top branch tomorrow after watering. I then tied up loosely with simple thin rope (only thing I had available, avoided fish line to avoid bruising the plant). Hope pictures are correct now.

Also a question with watering. I watered yesterday morning and after aprox. 28h I feel the pot is very light and using the finger method I see the soil is now almost dryish. Is it normal after week 3 to water every 2 days or should I wait another day. No curling or anything so far so I guess the plant likes it. Just want your opinions on that.

Schedules and calenders are useful but if it needs water, it needs it. Give it a good drink.

As for LST, by LSTing bottom but not top, even briefly, you're increasing dominance of top even further. I try to bend the top and allow lower growth to pass it so it becomes dominant/shares dominance before LSTing. How about setting up your screw and line for the top now and just putting a little pressure on the line....?
Thank you will try that tomorrow, obviously makes sense. I'll water, wait half an hour or so and then LST top as well. Will post pics after that.
So of'course couldn't wait and did it tonight rather than tomorrow. I LST the top also as "A Gardener" suggested. Thanks for the advice and feedback.

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Yes mate!

Now that's going to turn out shrubbery! Good work.
Howdy anast.....I didn't LST but I would agree with Gar...And I told you the Quick Ones like the water..I have mine in three gal pots.. Two or three days at most. My gals are taking about 1 gallon erevy other day.Water cal/mag one feeding water full Fox farm nutes two days later( per their guild). And they seem happy..But again I'm a newbee...

End of week 4

Now coming towards the end of week 4. Until now, I feed 2.5ml/L and entering week 5 I will take this to the max thus 3ml/L.

My questions is this. By the look of the picture below, should I start blooming nutes as well eg 1ml/L along with the Grow or wait another week.
By seeing this pic when do you think I should change from the 6400K CFL to my extra horny 200W 2700K CFL?

Should I wait another week as it is thus 3ml/L Grow and 6400K or make some changes at the end of week 4?

Your feedback will be greatly appreciated.

Howdy anast..Looking good sir...This newbee did start the blooming nutes about at that stage..But you might want to wait to hear from a pro..
