New Grower First Time Grow under CFL

Mar 10, 2015
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Hello all. Here is my First auto-grow.

1mX2mX 70cm height (so I plan on LST)
1x 150w 6400CFL
2x 26W 6400CFL
1x 200W 2700CFL (for flowering)
2x 26W 2700 CFL (for flowering)
BioBizz Light Mix
Bio-bloom (BioBizz)

I have started 2 seeds

1 X Quick One AUTO FEM
1 X Easy Bud AUTO FEM

Planning on seeding 2 more on week 4, and probably put the on my balcony, where they'll get approx.8h or direct greek sunlight.

Goal is to get some descent weed, but most important to see how this goes and then maybe move to a tent and a slightly more serious grow next winter. So not that interested in yield (although I have a goal of 10g minimum per plant).

Would love to see comments and suggestions as any other I grow made in the Past was Guerilla type and not with great success.

Unfortunately, due to space limitations this will have to grow in height in just 70cm, so LST is what I'd like advice on. Today is day 1 of 3rd week, and also made my 1st feed with Biobizz Grow (1.5ml/lt).

Pics are end of week 2, don't see a real need to post week 1 pics although they are available if anyone wants to see. What do you think? How are they doing? Any comments an advice are very welcome.


Hey anast11..
I have two Quick ones in day 35 as of type..I started them off on CFL's but got a new T5 setup..The Quick One is about 29 inchs..Now I'm a newbee and on my first grow..But your welcome to check out my journal and conpair....

Happy growing and Thanks:peace:
Pots are 5L approx. 1 gallon I think. This is a small setup, at least at start, but could move to the balcony in needed later on as we have a nice sun here soon, around 8hrs of direct med sunlight daily...
HD Grower 29 inches are like the sky for my setup :) Could LST keep that lower, ehm MUCH lower?
I'm sure it could anast11..But you might want to wait for an expect to answer that one...I will say this..I thought she was a little slow to start..So dont get disapoinded in the beganing....It your limited in the sky tire her down some would be my thought..Just words from a newbee
This her at day 22 in a 3 gal pot and a 1 quart gateraid bottlequick 2-26.jpg

End of week 3

So here are end of week 3 pictures. Unfortunately no LST yet, as I have found that branches are quite hard to bend and I am a bit weary I might break them. I have already started Biobizz Grow nuts, started with 1.5ml/lt on every feed (2 times). Today I went to 2ml/lt and will continue likewise up to 3ml/lt at the end of the week.

Please comment, any suggestions are welcome.


ps. don't know why these pics come out rotated, will try to fix next time.
If that's week three you've likely entering/soon to enter a period of explosive growth. I think you'll find you can be rougher than you expect..... however you don't need to fully 90degree bend what you've got but start a projected bend of the growing tip and where you want the next say 4" of growth to go. You can do this a little each day. Reducing the dominance of your growing tip should promote other growth which you can guide as it comes.

Or you'll top her. So be firm, but kind. Good luck.
Hey anast,check spanenglish,s thread out he grew half sun/inside with cfl and biobizz nute's , looking great pal, good luck.
Looking really good compared to my Quick Ones at 3..And your right the stocks are pretty stout..But as Gardener said..Bend them a little each day and that should cut the height down some.. They also seem to like lots of water and feed..I also gave them cal/mag at this stage with every watering..
