Indoor First time grow, lets see how it goes. NL Cheese Auto

Hi everyone! I believe today is 3 weeks since sprouting. Things seem to be going really well. I just started LST on the bigger one, who just started showing pistols two days ago. The runt is just sprouting her third set of full leaves. In the mail I have a LED clip on light coming to give some extra lumens and light, I think its 5W 6000k. What's everyone thinking? Anything else I should be doing right now with them or soon? I plan to keep LST around the pot.
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Hi guys, another update here. I suppose today is week four. Both are growing well. I started buddah grow nutrients, cal mag, and one Botanicare root inoculant for the larger one that entered pre flower quicker than the other. I have been doing more LST on the larger one and it has started to get a small canopy of pre-flowers. Question- How do I know when to switch my grow nutrients to bloom nutrients? I have been tucking leaves and LST, any critiques or recommendations there?
They are looking good I am also on my first grow everything was going good till I hit late flower on most and I have a pain in the a?? Northern light pitiful I do have a regular going that looks good I did harvest my first plant with all my mistakes ( I'm very ill ) and I mess stuff up pain works on the mind.
Well I got 102 grams off a night queen from Dutch Passion and I got a pineapple express that looks like 3 oz easy. I've lost a few ( having my light to close ) but all my success goes to the people of afn I learned everything from this site hands on experience with all the knowledge here will lead to success. I don't know much but I'm here for support I know it will be a great grow!!!
Looks very good man, keep up the good work.

There are two theories when considering the switch to bloom nutes. If you want a fast finishing crop with a good yield then switch to bloom nutes 10 days after the plant has shown sex.

The other theory is wait for vertical growth to slow or to a halt and then start feeding bloom nutrients. So that would usually be around week 5-6.
I'm on my first grow I waited till week 5 on some week 6 on others I'm getting 3-4 zips per plant I don't know if that's considered good for what were doing but I'm happy for my first grow I did 4 plants I might do good on one plant can't see getting 12-16 oz off one auto in my soil hydro yes.
They were so small had no veg by the time they were blooming I'm going to try a couple the other way to next time.
Cool thanks for the info. I believe there at about 4 weeks today. The buds have still been growing vertically and getting bit chunkier now. I'll do some more research but i'll probably switch them over in about a week or two. Depending on the vert.growth. The other one hasn't begun yet to produce buds, still growing a lot vertically and laying new leaves. I'm not LST that one and am going to compare results at the end. Anyone have any good base bloom nute recommendations?

Another important queston- When am I supposed to switch lights over to flowering lights 2500k?? I still have in 6500k and 5000k lighting them. @SouthernGurl url

Oh and I got 2 extra 9watt LED 5000k bulbs on each plant. Going well!
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Still here guys... Phone on my camera broke, so no photos right now :/ . starting week 6 now I believe. They have been on full 2400k lights now. The one that has been farther ahead flowers started to really become plumper. So I began her on strait bloom fee now, the other is on a low mix of bloom and veg growth as its still about two weeks behind in terms of growth. Both seem to be doing fantastic. Looks like the LST turned out more than a couple main colas that have about another 30days ish to fill out hopefully!! Pics soon
also feeing cal mag, no signs of nute burn. Gave full strength on the bloom and she handled it really well.