i feel we have become good friends pal i thought id explain topping see your big tall girl were she has one big cola if she was topped she would have 2 it just makes more tops but they could be thinner than your big one or just as big it just depends on lots of thing also if you fim it stands for fuck i missed you just chop and leave 20 pcent of the top behind and that can develop into more again i dont want to confuse you .id plod on smash this 1st grow as your doing then like i done get a bit more adventurous as when you have done this you will feel pride like crazy well i did and maybe try some stuff then or maybe look into auto feeders mine run off a 47 litre tank you just fill your food and they drink from the bottom and they are gravity fed so no pumps ect my 3 plants are emptying that in 4 days at the min greedy fuckers lol
47 ltr wwwwwwooohht! That is amazing , I'm deffo doing it your way the next time , mate do you think I should take some leaf of the smaller plants? there real bushy and there is whispy tiny bud at the bottom not getting enough light, if I was to choose one I'd do it to the gbog as I accidentally snapped a finger of a big fan leaf oops , I'll def top on my next grow as well
If you can't tuck them maybe take a few I don't personally but others say you can if there really in the way evilscotsman says he takes loads off but do it now before your proper in flower good luck
Just take a few at a time and not all at once.
Folks I tried to give the glueberry og a trim, only dead looking leaves at the very bottom, thing is, they easily came of and I'm fucked of looking at the whispy fucker, small fan leaves , doesn't look like it growing compared to the other 2 , new small fan leaves curling up and I can't get control of the humidity, it's to high , also when I last fed them the RO was near 100% so today I just gave PhD water, I'm running out of room and she is not doing much. Best I bin her? Will give more room fore the 2 good ones , hopeelfully take down the RH , can Def tell she is getting less light because the other 2 are big and flowering ,and for the future get a bigger tent . What was I thinking 4 plants in 70x70x160 cm tent
Gorilla glue


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