New Grower First Stab: Lemon Haze and Blue Tooth in Soil with 600W HPS

Mar 29, 2015
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Well, I've been meaning to do this for a while so here I am. I'm growing 2 LH, 2BT and an unknown (it might be either LH, BT or a stray White LSD. I don't know; the label was rubbed off. The LH are about 25 days old and already flowering. The BT are about a week behind, but looking a little small for their age. The unknown is supposed to be a couple of days younger than the BT bur, really, it looks like a week or more behind.

I'm growing them in a 4x4x7 tent with 600w MH/HPS (switching from MH to HPS today since I just noticed that the LH are flowering). I'm using FF trio nutes. I have only fed them nutes three times, but had to flush them after the last one because I messed up royally. I decided to feed them when they woke up, but I was half asleep myself and instead of feeding them 2 tsp of big bloom, I fed them 2 tbsp (per gallon, of course). Lucky for me, I noticed my mistake while preparing the second batch of nutes and proceeded to flush them. I hope I did that correctly and saved them. It would really, really break my heart if I killed them 'cause this has been an error rich experience so far and I was proud of having made it this far without killing them.

I've been trying to upload pics, but it ain't working. I guess it's time to do some more reading to see if I'm doing something wrong. So, hopefully, there will be pictures of my babies for your perusal a bit later.
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For some odd reason I'm not able to upload pictures. I don't know what's wrong now 'cause I used to be able to before and nothing has changed with my computer. I've requested help from the staff, but received no response yet. If any of you know of a possible reason, please help me.
I finally figured out how to get my pictures to upload: use another computer!

Here are my babies:

This is LH #1 at 28 days. It's flowering already.

This is LH#2 also 28 days and flowering

BT #1 and #2 at 21 days pre-flowering already. I think they are a little too small to be pre-flowering but, hey, what do I know. I'm a total noob.

This is the unknown which I now suspect to be another BT. Dang, and I was really hoping for a White LSD. Oh well.
Hey how is it going , u should be good if u flushed properly . I am trying to figure out hydro but i gt growing in soil down . I hv grown tons of autos , and some autos dnt gt very big and some do . But your plants r looking good in my opinion .

Fox farms can b pretty strong to some plants and others just eat them up and want more , i would just go easy on the nutes . I use fox farms to and they r good products
Thanks for your comments shedrit. Even though they seem to have survived the overdose, I noticed a couple of yellow spots on one of LH#2's leaves. I Was in a hurry when I checked them this morning and didn't inspect them thoroughly to see if there were any more blemishes. I'll have to do that when they wake up in a little later.It's later now and I looked at the plants. Both LHs are in trouble. Their leaves are yellowing. LH#2 has developed yellow spots in a couple of leaves and the rest are starting to turn too.

Here is what LH#2 looks like

What do I do?
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Anyhow, been growin and been thinkin. Oh yea, been lernin too. Ain't been writing 'cuz ain't no one been readin nohow. So, hey, don't make no never mind anyhow.

So, I gets up this mornin and thonk to myself, "Tron, man, sure seems like a good day to talk to yo'self. I always likes what you havevto say, anyhow". "Sho", I says to myself, "I got somethin to say". So, here it is:

My little problem with the LHs turned out to be a cal-mag deficiency which I nipped in the bud (sotaspeak). So, my babes be growin and they be buddin and they be looking good. The BTs have woken up too and are growin as fast as the national debt. They now be flowering too.

So, I guess all is well that is well. And that's that.
Anyhow, been growin and been thinkin. Oh yea, been lernin too. Ain't been writing 'cuz ain't no one been readin nohow. So, hey, don't make no never mind anyhow.

So, I gets up this mornin and thonk to myself, "Tron, man, sure seems like a good day to talk to yo'self. I always likes what you havevto say, anyhow". "Sho", I says to myself, "I got somethin to say". So, here it is:

My little problem with the LHs turned out to be a cal-mag deficiency which I nipped in the bud (sotaspeak). So, my babes be growin and they be buddin and they be looking good. The BTs have woken up too and are growin as fast as the national debt. They now be flowering too.

So, I guess all is well that is well. And that's that.
Hey I just noticed this thread. I quickly scanned through the post so I don't know every thing that's been said.

I have a question how do you count your days? It seems to me a bit weird they are 28 days old that big and flowering. or do you mean 28 days in flowering?

I'm glad the cal-mag problem is sorted out!

I have to say they look really healthy and really good! I don't know when exactly you took the pictures but I noticed maybe some droopiness looking at the leaves?