New Grower First Soil Grow - First AutoFlower

Update 2019/05/02

Yes @Wolf416 !!

Trying to stay on top of the updates I have a lot to post, working on getting caught up.

Week 5, she is officially in flower, one last chance to tie them down. So we did!

Also named them, "Critical Virgin" aka CV for my virgin grow partner, who planted this bad girl.
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And Kieser minus the "Soze" the smaller plant who was born with some messed up lower leaves.
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Also threw up the exhaust fan with filter
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Quick little gif after the LST watching them bounce back and taking shape.
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Update 2019/05/09 - End of Week 5

Awesome to see the development over the last couple days, both are starting to stretch. The training we did has really helped the bud sites, quite happy with the progress. Hoping we are out of the woods and on to cruise control!

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Also added a Deep Red LED UFO. Comes on for the last 2 hrs of the 18 hr light period. Theory is it helps the plants sense the night period better as it simulates the sunset.

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Also supplements the "red" spectrum for flowering that my current lights are lacking. To be honest I'm not sure if its doing anything extra, but the flowers have got quite dense.
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Update 2019/05/13 - Week 6

Not much to add, still watering PH of 6.5-6.8. Soil has been amended just once, will add the bloom in 1 week and that will be the last feeding till flush.
Gave the last watering with liquid seaweed. Watching the temps and humidity been running at 75-77 bringing the humidity down slowly from 60 to 40 over the next weeks.

Quick shots of Kieser the smaller girl.

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And CV the larger lady

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Both ladies in the night club under the purple disco lights

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Update 2019/05/20 - Week 7

What a great feeling it is, when you cross a bridge unscathed, especially after you haven't been on the bridge for quite some time.

Makes you realize that all the stored information and random bits of knowledge, locked away, collecting dust in the depths of the mind...can still be put to use.

That bridge for me was the vegging period. On with the flower show.

"Top Dressed" the ladies using 25% 4-4-4 & 75% 2-8-4 Gaia Green

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The girls may be sisters, but they don't look alike

Kieser is very short and compact and her bud structure and smell is quite different then her sister CV

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CV below looking quite lovely, she is getting quite frosty. I'm looking forward to see how she takes to the bloom feeding over the next couple weeks.

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pics and updates look awesome brother. I know i know, adjust the lights wolf, check the temps wolf. I`m going back to work.
@shumway & @Just1dude - Thanks for the kind words

@Wolf416 - You know me so well... All jokes aside, get the humidity in check already !!

Update 2019/05/31 - Still Week 8

Quick update, had some humidity issues in the last couple days, working on getting that under control. We ordered a dehumidifier that just arrived, now we have to get it up and running.

Girls are putting on size

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I put the 3rd light in the tent, the temps jumped up couple degrees but nothing to have me worried. If we are balancing the tent/room conditions, we might a well get everything running.

The plants view before and after new light...I like seeing the world from their perspective.View media item 19011View media item 19012
I'm considering defoliating, but I'm not sure. I have read some good and bad opinions about it. I don't think there is a right or wrong, as I assume alot is strain based.

Periodically I have taken some here and there, but I feel It will help the light penetration. Its getting quite bushy.

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