New Grower First Soil Grow - First AutoFlower

Thanks @newautoflower grower They are just finishing their 3rd week.

Too be honest I dont know much about the LED's, I was told they will work well, but lack in the red spectrum, so as soon as I see any flowering I will be adding another light to help them out.

Yes sir, I agree ...don't have to hide what I love anymore!

Where are you in Ontario?
I am new to growing to .. and definitely to LED lighting .. my last grow I ended up with 13 oz dried weight for 4 plants using the optic 6. I just started another grow as I want to make edibles using bubble hash.. I tried making it with the dried but I don't like the weedy taste so I am hoping with hash it wont be so weedy tasting... I am about 700kms west of Toronto
@shumway Thanks brother!

Update 2019/04/22

One plant has some good growth, the other seems a bit slow or stunted , regardless shes still doing well, I decided to LST the larger one.

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I also added the 2nd 300W LED for a total of 600 Fake Watts :)

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I raised the lights hoping they will stretch a bit. I have never grown this strain so I'm not sure what to expect, regardless still happy with the progress. And more then anything happy to be able to just grow in peace and not have to look over my shoulder.
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Update 2019/04/25-27

I decided to LST the smaller plant, also noticed some pistils. I assume pre-flower, but as we finish up week 4 maybe she is beginning to flower. Seems a bit early.

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Feeling like I had pushed the Fox Farm Soil to its max, I gave my first top dressing of Gaia Green 50/50 blend

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And here is a nice shot of my remote view as I type after feeding and watering yesterday. Both plants are happy and taking on some great shape.

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Nice grow … they look healthy ….. i have read that Autoflowers can start preflower at 3 weeks. the last grow I noticed at 3.5 weeks that they were at preflower stage. I am growing 2 very berry and 2 purple kush right now they are only 10 day old today .. going to transplant them into 4 gallon pots tomorrow .. I use the autopot system as I travel at times for work. This way I am not worried about them drying out too much and not being feed while I am gone … it worked perfectly the last grow … the system has its pro's and cons though …
Thanks @newautoflower grower , That's a nice set up and nice strains your growing. I hope you get a journal going so I can follow. I'm thinking its preflower, I'd like them to veg a bit longer, fingers crossed!

A lot of good work has been put into it from @Wolf416, I just bark orders as he does the labor!

But with all jokes aside, I'm trying to teach him the same way I was taught, with tough love from one grower to another. I'm passing on the skills and hes a great new grower so I am super proud of him.

And my experience is in hydro, its my first organic soil grow, so we are teaching and learning a lot together.

Its like we are Batman and Robin...I'm Batman! Hey @Wolf416...stop slacking and get the temps up!! :crying:
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