Hey. Thank you, I can't wait to watch these babies develop either.Can’t help you much on the lights, my guess is either veg or full spectrum would be fine for now. Not sure about in flowering. I’m on my first grow. What does the manufacturer say?
I’m subbed up :smoking: Sounds like some great equipment. Can’t wait to see the budbox all set up - those are beautiful grow tents. And the Critical Orange Punch! Well I’ve got a few of those set aside that I’m itching to grow. Can’t wait to see how they turn out.
Welcome to AFN. You came to the right place. My girls never would have made it this far without the members here.
I'll have to do some reading of what the manufacturer says. At the moment I've gone with my gut and put it on full spectrum.
I've got up nice and early to go to my local grow shop to pick up a new timer for my light and a couple of plant pot drip trays. Then I can crack on and repot these bad boys into their final grow mediums.
I'm really intrigued to see the difference in results between soil and hydro, as I'm not totally sure which technique I'd like to pursue.
I'll post up some pics once I've done my gardening and tent maintenance for today.