New Grower First "Real" grow: 3.25'x3.25' Mars Hydro LED and Tent 4 Autos(Mixed)

Can you provide any info on how much dolomite to put in to balance out my soils ph?
Hope some of this helps

A good way to stabilize soil is to use dolomite lime (calcium-magnesium carbonate). Dolomitic lime acts slowly and continuously, so soil will remain pH stable for a few months.
Using fine size dolomite lime is important, coarser grades can take a year or longer to work. You can find fine size dolomite lime at any well stocked garden supply center.
Dolomite lime has been used by gardeners as a pH stabilizer for many years. It has a pH that is neutral (7.0). When added to soil in the correct proportions, it will stabilize soil at a pH near 7.0.
When growing in containers, add one cup of fine dolomite lime to each cubic foot of soil. Mix the dry soil thoroughly with the dolomite lime, then lightly water it. After watering, re-mix it and wait for a day or two before checking the pH. When growing in an outdoor garden, follow the dolomite lime manufacturers instructions

If you bought dolomite then don't stress. I use 1 cup per cf with my mix of peat. Peat comes in at 4-5 ph and after dolomite and many amendments and cooing I sit at 6.7. Love dolomite in conjunction with oyster shell flour.

Effects of Dolomite Source, Dolomite Rate and Fertilizer Rate on Change in pH of Growing Medium Leachate-
Hope some of this helps

A good way to stabilize soil is to use dolomite lime (calcium-magnesium carbonate). Dolomitic lime acts slowly and continuously, so soil will remain pH stable for a few months.
Using fine size dolomite lime is important, coarser grades can take a year or longer to work. You can find fine size dolomite lime at any well stocked garden supply center.
Dolomite lime has been used by gardeners as a pH stabilizer for many years. It has a pH that is neutral (7.0). When added to soil in the correct proportions, it will stabilize soil at a pH near 7.0.
When growing in containers, add one cup of fine dolomite lime to each cubic foot of soil. Mix the dry soil thoroughly with the dolomite lime, then lightly water it. After watering, re-mix it and wait for a day or two before checking the pH. When growing in an outdoor garden, follow the dolomite lime manufacturers instructions

If you bought dolomite then don't stress. I use 1 cup per cf with my mix of peat. Peat comes in at 4-5 ph and after dolomite and many amendments and cooing I sit at 6.7. Love dolomite in conjunction with oyster shell flour.

Effects of Dolomite Source, Dolomite Rate and Fertilizer Rate on Change in pH of Growing Medium Leachate-
so if i have 4 3gal pots thts 12 gals of soil and there is 6 gals in a cubic ft so i have i total of 2 cubic feet correct? and are you suggesting i take the soil that i have in the pots out and remix the dolomite in?
Hi bud, welcome to AFN, and nice choice in strains. Looks like you sir are more or less good to go.

I would mix the dolomite in the soil. It would help stabilize the pH of the entire pot. You can have pH fluctuation with in the pot, and some time pockets of "off"soil can form. It doesn't have to be perfect, but the more even you can get it, the more efficient it will be.

As with most thing in organic gardening, the amendment (lime) needs to start to break down to take effect. When you hear people talk about cooking their soil, they are waiting on the composting to get going. The term cooking simply comes in due to the soil actually heating up durring the somposting.

In regards to the amount, lets take a closer look here... I think Smart Pots are rated in trade gallons. 1 trade gallon equales 0.71 US gallons. So 3x.71=2.13 by 4 pots is 8.52 US gallons. 1 cubic foot is 6.43 gallons, so you have 1.33 cubic feet of soil. I would use 1.33 cups based on the 1 cup per cuft. Now if I am wrong and they are rated in US gallons I would still do less than 2 cups, as 2 cu ft is actually 12.86 gallons.

Hope some of that helped bud. Take care. :smoking:
thank you for that :d5:... i figure ill put the 1.33 cup in and mix it all up and re-pot and water it a cpl times and recheck the ph before i put my seedlings in there.. i dont wanna hurt them and want them to be able to take up as much nutes as they need...
No problem man. This is a tip I just shared with another guy. Might help you some too.
I have a trick I like to do with a pasta sauce jar. When you get to the top portion of your pot with soil, put the jar in the center, and have it as deep as you want the coco. Continue filling the soil, around the jar. When you have the amount of soil you'd like, go water it in, with the jar in place. After it drains, twist, and pull the jar out, and fill the void with you seedling mix.

The will make a pocket that you could fill with some of the seedling mix you have. This way the seed has a much more gentle environment. Now this is not necessary, but if you are worried, it would prevent the seed from being in hot soil. I tend to do it with strain that I believe are more sensitive. Talk to you later bud.
No problem man. This is a tip I just shared with another guy. Might help you some too.

The will make a pocket that you could fill with some of the seedling mix you have. This way the seed has a much more gentle environment. Now this is not necessary, but if you are worried, it would prevent the seed from being in hot soil. I tend to do it with strain that I believe are more sensitive. Talk to you later bud.
@cc2arms does something like this as well and reccomended it to me as well... i might be going back to wally world and get more seedling mix haha thanks @Fuggzy
No problem man. This is a tip I just shared with another guy. Might help you some too.

The will make a pocket that you could fill with some of the seedling mix you have. This way the seed has a much more gentle environment. Now this is not necessary, but if you are worried, it would prevent the seed from being in hot soil. I tend to do it with strain that I believe are more sensitive. Talk to you later bud.
you'll notice I do the same with solo cup, only difference is I cut bottom off the solo cup and then I leave in for the whole grow ;-)
OK guys and gals, the tent is all put up along with the light.

i put the wife's orchid and another little plant in there to test the waters for these lights and they seem to be liking it...Boy that reflector 96 is bright in the tent i dont know if im going to be able to see when i get to add the other one during flowering haha:cools:


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A little help if you take photos with your phone..hold the phone sideways with the volume button down and take them and when you post them they will not be sideways