New Grower First official grow KIS Biochar + LED + MEPHISTO

Aug 19, 2019
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After almost a decade of waiting, I'm finally getting a chance to grow my own and can't wait to share my journey with ya'll.

Here's my setup:
- Timber 600w CXB3590 4x4
- 4 ft x 4 ft x 6.8 ft tent
- 4 inch intake and 4 inch exhaust
- KIS Biochar water only soil
- 12 seed clover mix from buildasoil as my cover crop
- european nightcrawlers incoming this week

As far as nutrients goes, I'm only going to be feeding with aloe, coconut water, a few compost teas and possibly a topdress with buildasoil's craft blend.

Genetics, I chose Mephisto, due to the overwhelming amount of good reviews I read. I picked two sweet n sour, and two strawberry nuggets to germ, but only 3/4 popped and they got mixed up during the process, so won't know what they are until they grow out.

To germinate, I soaked the seeds in water with a tiny bit of aloe powder mixed in for 12 hours, and then they went to paper towels. The 3/4 seeds all popped within 48 hours and then were transplanted into their final homes, 7 gallon smart pots. I germinated a 4th Ghost Toof, which popped in 24 hours .

The first 3 days I sprayed 2-3 times daily with water with a tiny bit of aloe powder mixed in. By the 4th day I realized I forgot to pre-drench the soil before planting so I decided to pour in a gallon into each pan so the pots could wick up. Someone advised me to not worry too much about over watering with the biochar, so I decided to water in 48ozs, with aloe and coconut mixed in. I know, I know, that's a ton of water but the plants were fine and actually seemed to enjoy the drench. Although, I did think I over watered one of them, but today, she exploded after another decent watering. The pots felt super light this morning so I watered in another 48oz with another 40z poured into the pan. I feel an explosion of growth coming :D
Can you show me how you have your intake and exhaust fan system setup?

What would you like to see? You can see how the exhaust is setup in the picture, and the intake just sits on the ground outside my tent. I put the fan in a cardboard box, wrapped in old clothes to reduce vibrations.

Looking good,nice set up :pass:
Way to jump into it! Nice light set up!

Thanks for the kind words guys! The light has been sitting for years lol, glad I'm finally able to use it. I wonder how it compares to the new veros, Timber's using currently.

We're on day 7 of the grow! Everything is getting bigger by the hour, and the one Ghost Toof has been opening up out of the soil for the past two days.

I'm pretty sure I've figured out the strains. The first two are pretty identical in terms of shape, so I'm assuming they're the Sweet n Sours, and the little runt must be the Strawberry Nuggets, comparing to what I've seen in other diaries.

There's some weird leaf curling going on. Not sure what it could be, as none of the plants are exhibiting the same symptoms. There's nothing else happening besides some slight upwards curling, as you can see in the pic. Any ideas? Oh and temp is 80 and RH at 59%
Nice setup you got going. Was super tempted with doing a buildasoil no til run but chicken out last second. Looking forward to watching your journey.

Slight curl nothing worry about.lil plant growing fast can be a bit wrinkly :thumbsup:
Good luck n keep er lit
Nice setup you got going. Was super tempted with doing a buildasoil no til run but chicken out last second. Looking forward to watching your journey.


It seemed like the easiest route for a noobie, and I heard no till produces the best terps. ;D

Slight curl nothing worry about.lil plant growing fast can be a bit wrinkly :thumbsup:
Good luck n keep er lit

Thanks man. The leaves were actually getting a little crispy to the touch so I raised the light another 8 inches. Hopefully she reacts well.

I've been brewing KIS's ACT recipe for the past day, going to feed the girls later tonight. I'll put some pics after I water!

Here's the recipe for the ACT I'm using:

5 gallon ACT Tea Brew (Recommended Recipe)

1.25 cups of earthworm castings

1/2 cup of KIS Microbe Catalyst

1 T. organic alfalfa meal
Just fed the girls 48ozs of ACT top feed and 40ozs of water bottom feed. Hopefully they react well. There was substantial growth since yesterday ;D

The curling seems like it's slowing down. The leaves don't feel as crispy as before
