Mephisto Genetics First Mephisto grow! Stilton X 3 Bears OG BX. 2nd grow ever!!

Yup I 100% messed this part up im thinking. I did not pre soak my soil at all. I placed the seed directly into the soil in the center and watered around the seed maybe giving it a few small drops on top/seed center.

Im gonna reset/redo this grow. Its super early into it and Im using freebies from my order. I wanted to use my freebies for this exact reason to live and learn. Aslong as I live and learn from this I can make my 2nd attempt stick!

Thank you as always for the words of wisdom!
Yeah, I have a decent eye on moisture level just by looking at pics. You dried the tap roots up. You have to prep the soil ahead of time. Not enough moisture in that soil, I can see the light brown color. Moisten that top layer of soil 1 to 2 days before planting. Cover center with cup. Dampen seed area before planting seed. Cover lightly with soil and cover cup. Now water around the outside of the cup a little. Good luck
Back for round two! Yesterday morning I went ahead and popped two more seeds (Stilton X 3 Bears OG BX) and used the method that slow suggested of shot glass of water with a few drops of H2o2. With in 24 hours the seeds had cracked.

At the same time I put the seeds in the shot glass, I redid the pots. I lightly watered the top soil of the pot and placed a cup overtop the center. I left the pots alone for the night in the tent with the lights off. This morning when I checked the seeds and seen they were good to go I checked the pots and the center under the cup stayed perfectly moist while the rest of the top dried out just slightly.

I gave the top soil a light misting with my spray bottle and planted the seeds about a 1/2 inch down and lightly covered. I plan on tomorrow sometime, if needed to give it the 7-10oz of water around the edge of the plastic cups. Where having a slightly cool day here in Michigan but the tent is currently sitting at around 76 degrees and the humidity in the tent is around 55%. I also have the light currently dialed all the way down so its putting out around 100w. The light will get turned up over the next few weeks as to not stress the plants out with the intensity.

Since im trying out living soil this round I went ahead last night and ordered some cover crop and mulch for the top of the pots. Im also thinking of throwing in 20 or so red wigglers in each pot to help break down the cover crop, mulch and provide aeration.


I'm doing my first Mephisto grow (second auto grow) and I am totally blown away by their quality. You'll surely be impressed as well!
Hey everyone and happy Friday! Hope everyone has had a great week so far and heading into the weekend we got some awesome weather here in Michigan that I plan on taking advantage of.

Been about 48 hours since the seeds hit the soil in this round 2 try. The soil holds moisture very well so yesterday I did a light misting on top. This morning I watered around 6-8oz of water each around the plastic cups I have on to help with keep the humidity in, another misting across the entire top and about 5 or so sprays right on top of the seed center. When I say misting im maybe doing 15-20 squirts across the entire top.

Curent environment:
  • Temp: 80 degrees
  • Humidity: 60%
  • Light: Still turned down to around 100w

Nothing exciting in these photos today hoping after the weekend I will have something better. I also got my Wyze camera setup doing a time lapse so hoping to catch the birth!
Hey everyone and happy Friday! Hope everyone has had a great week so far and heading into the weekend we got some awesome weather here in Michigan that I plan on taking advantage of.

Been about 48 hours since the seeds hit the soil in this round 2 try. The soil holds moisture very well so yesterday I did a light misting on top. This morning I watered around 6-8oz of water each around the plastic cups I have on to help with keep the humidity in, another misting across the entire top and about 5 or so sprays right on top of the seed center. When I say misting im maybe doing 15-20 squirts across the entire top.

Curent environment:
  • Temp: 80 degrees
  • Humidity: 60%
  • Light: Still turned down to around 100w

Nothing exciting in these photos today hoping after the weekend I will have something better. I also got my Wyze camera setup doing a time lapse so hoping to catch the birth!
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Dont keep watering until they pop up. And 48 hours from planting they should be up by tomorrow for surely. I would lightly uncover tomorriw if not up. You can over cover. I believe you soaked 24 hrs and then planted. I prefer to have a nicer tail than what ypu showed in pic. I poke a small hole and pur the tail down and LIGHTLY cover. After soaking the full 36 to 48 hours provides longer tails than 24 hours. Some seeds are faster than others. But if they were cracked open when you planted, lightly uncover the top of the seed to make sure it is not stuck by the soil or turned wrong way if not up in 24 more hours. Good luck.
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Good evening everyone,

We have life! My babies started to come up Friday as I was getting ready to get out of town for a weekend of camping. See below for the time lapse that my Wyze camera got. Keep an eye for the beneficials in the living soil doing their job! I had my lights a little to high so they did stretch just a little bit. The height of my lights was actually right where the manufacture recommended but since I had the power turned down I did not think about lowering the lights to make up the difference. The lights are adjusted and everything is A-OK is the world again!

Also while I was gone this weekend my order from Build-A-Soil came in. I picked up some straw and cover crop for the top soil. I went with the Barley straw and the 12 seed cover crop. I top dressed both pots with these and I also added around 10-15 red wigglers from a buddies compost bin. When I returned Sunday night from camping both pots were given around 8oz of water around the plant and another good soaking of the top soil.

Been keeping the temps right around 80 degrees and the humidity around 50%. Light I would say is now around 60-70% power (150w). Currently running the lights 24/0. Its gonna be a hot one the next few weeks so I will most likely drop down to 18/6.

Few questions that came into my head from the weekend were how long most people wait before giving the entire pot a good soak?

Talk to you all soon!


Good evening everyone,

We have life! My babies started to come up Friday as I was getting ready to get out of town for a weekend of camping. See below for the time lapse that my Wyze camera got. Keep an eye for the beneficials in the living soil doing their job! I had my lights a little to high so they did stretch just a little bit. The height of my lights was actually right where the manufacture recommended but since I had the power turned down I did not think about lowering the lights to make up the difference. The lights are adjusted and everything is A-OK is the world again!

Also while I was gone this weekend my order from Build-A-Soil came in. I picked up some straw and cover crop for the top soil. I went with the Barley straw and the 12 seed cover crop. I top dressed both pots with these and I also added around 10-15 red wigglers from a buddies compost bin. When I returned Sunday night from camping both pots were given around 8oz of water around the plant and another good soaking of the top soil.

Been keeping the temps right around 80 degrees and the humidity around 50%. Light I would say is now around 60-70% power (150w). Currently running the lights 24/0. Its gonna be a hot one the next few weeks so I will most likely drop down to 18/6.

Few questions that came into my head from the weekend were how long most people wait before giving the entire pot a good soak?

Talk to you all soon!

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Glad to see they sprouted, that is easier than using paper towel and more reliable/less stressful on them. So at this point the objective is to make the roots SEEK moisture. But that doesnt mean water a lot. That means keeping the out side of the pot more moist than the rest. I dont know how moist your soil is/was. But until they are 10-14 days old...less is more. Dont go watering to run off until the plant is growing nicely and is using up the water more rapidly. Soil stays moist on Seedlings. The roots are VERY small at this time. If you water too much, the roots will grow slower and thinner. We want moist, not wet. For rapid thick root growth. If you water too much, even once, you once you can slow things down. You dont need much water for a few weeks. Misting the top dressing and minor watering until after 14 days...not daily at this point. And then I suggest slowly ramping up water amounts/frequency as needed. Lots of factors on how often you water. Peace, slow
Hey everyone! Back with another update. Hope everyone has had an awesome week and with the 4th just a few days away I hope your fridge is full of good meat to cook!

Today makes day 6. Plants are looking good and growing at what I think is a proper rate of growth. Ive been keeping up the daily misting of the top soil and my top crop is starting to come in nicely. Here in a few weeks I should have a nice clover top crop. Besides having my lights to high last weekend everything seems to be coming along nicely. I do think im going to have to make something to help keep the one plant from falling over. Ive added in some more soil to help keep it up but its starting to lean pretty good.

My watering schedule is still a daily misting of the top soil and been doing every two days for actual water. Today is a water day for me and I will be watering just the very outside edge of the pot. I been making sure to stimulate that root growth and allow it to search for the water. Still staying between that 8-10oz of water.

Here is some pictures of the plants and also some bonus pictures of my garden helper.

Hey everyone! Back with another update. Hope everyone has had an awesome week and with the 4th just a few days away I hope your fridge is full of good meat to cook!

Today makes day 6. Plants are looking good and growing at what I think is a proper rate of growth. Ive been keeping up the daily misting of the top soil and my top crop is starting to come in nicely. Here in a few weeks I should have a nice clover top crop. Besides having my lights to high last weekend everything seems to be coming along nicely. I do think im going to have to make something to help keep the one plant from falling over. Ive added in some more soil to help keep it up but its starting to lean pretty good.

My watering schedule is still a daily misting of the top soil and been doing every two days for actual water. Today is a water day for me and I will be watering just the very outside edge of the pot. I been making sure to stimulate that root growth and allow it to search for the water. Still staying between that 8-10oz of water.

Here is some pictures of the plants and also some bonus pictures of my garden helper.

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Misting the seedling with water is useless and can cause the yellowing I see goin on due to lights. The roots are very small at this point, not sure how much you are watering every 2 days...but dont go overboard. Less is more. Your soil wont dry out in 2 days at this stage, i would not be spraying daily and watering every other...thats too much. And avoid spraying the plant with water with lights on. Peace, slow