New Grower First Grow!

19 days. Taller, bushier, stinkier. They got a full watering today with 1/2 strength nutes. There's a young Purple Ryder back there chillin' with a baby pumpkin and some young lavender. [emoji3] I'm excited for the stretch! View attachment 435789
I'm scared by the stretch, so I've gone outdoor, let's see if mother nature does a good job!^^

Hey man is that the golden to redish shroom that has the white warts on them? If so, 1 - 3 is considered a fatal dose and from what I read the early Indians would do these and have visions, (I wonder why, lol). Supposely, the rest of the tribe, (starting with elders, chiefs, braves .. ect), would all drink the piss and trip too. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but that's the way I remember reading it and I see one of those when I was a teen, but too scared to try it, (that's the reason I started reading about it). ... :peace:
Yes Need4Weed, I was talking about that 'shroom, but I've never tried, I've only tried once the Psilocybe Mexicana, commonly sold in Amsterdam as magic mushroom or magic truffle... I was pointing out a common misunderstanding on hashish, but I'm really interested in those kind of things, sciamanism, witchery, I've never used synthetic drugs like ecstasy or similar, my interest is only in natural things and I'd like to spend some time in south america to try peyote and ayahuasca (commonly used in a cult called Santo Daime) but only if I can do it with someone experienced in that thing... it's right too what you said about piss, it's purified by scories but still psicoactive... if you want to read something strange about amanita search for a book titled "The sacred mushroom and the cross" by John Marco Allegro (you'll find a .pdf on internet) and/or this link:

PS Sorry DarshAK if I'm gone a bit off-topic :)
I have been to several Greatfull dead concerts you want to hallucinate get some liquid LSD. You will become phylosophoical and solve the worlds problems. I know I did lmao want to hallucinate get some liquid LSD...

That would do it.

Saw Phish and Santana on of Carlos's percussionists turned into a snake
from the waist down. But not in a malevolent way :)
Well, guys, let's keep this discussion on point. I started this thread for advice on my grow. I could go on about acid-soaked Phish tours, but religion, psychedelics, etc could be discussed elsewhere. Thanks in advance!
Day 24. Lots of new growth on all the ladies. The Onyx in the middle is stinkier and thirstier than the rest. The other Onyx has a much milder smell, while the SBR hasn't put out any odor yet. Purple Ryder is coming along nicely. uploadfromtaptalk1427814848587.jpguploadfromtaptalk1427814873139.jpguploadfromtaptalk1427815081277.jpg
Update: Day 27. More vertical growth, added some LED into the mix. I need sunglasses now! The Onyx that started out more slowly has appeared to find's now the tallest and has many new budsites. uploadfromtaptalk1428083247217.jpguploadfromtaptalk1428083374451.jpg
And here is the Purple Ryder![emoji106] She is at Day 16 and going strong.uploadfromtaptalk1428261167637.jpg