Quick update...group shot!
The Sugar Black Rose has developed some yellowing spots on its lower leaves. I posted to the infirmary but maybe somebody paying attention here could advise?
looks to me maybe just splash spots from previous water. they will get like that from layin on the soil when wet. no worries my friend. they look great
I get that same issue on my early grows too sometimes. I dont know what it is but my babies have gotten over it in a week or two. Please update if this gets any worse, I think I got that first and next I notice that the leaves affected turns a bit crusty and dry.
Sorry for yet another post so early...I feel like an AFN addict! I couldn't help but share that my three ladies have all showed their stuff today (Day 17)! Pistil Porn!
"What strain would Jesus grow?" What an PROFOUND question ! What strain would Jman grow - and could he, say, turn a tomato plant into weed ? I haven't tried enough strains to even guess what he'd prefer....something uplifting, a smooth two hitter quitter for sure. Most definitely a Sativa......
On a more serious note, (and then I'll stop interrupting this thread-sorry) a really good strong pot or psyclobin Buzz to me is a feeling comparable to what the presence of an all powerful loving God and spiritual existence must feel like. Very warm and weightless, carefree, with a child like giddy happiness, and perfect understanding and awareness of what is and what was-what will be. I drowned once and it felt like that. I will stop now, before I get myself committed or something. Sorry if I offend any1 with this. Thanks for the laugh - and for bringing out my stoner intellect MedGrower
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