New Grower First grow - yellowish center - is this a problem?

Dec 7, 2014
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This is a Flash Seeds Diesel Haze. (AF, Fem.) It's 15 days from being wet in towels. The plant seems to be yellow in the center. I'm also growing a Barney's Seeds Tangelo Rapido (also AF, Fem.)at the same time in exactly the same conditions and it's not doing this. The TR is also bigger than the Diesel Haze. Soil is Sunshine Mix #4. So far I haven't added any nutrients at all, just water. Yesterday the plant didn't look like this, so whatever is causing it started up quickly.


The only thing I could find on the GrowWeedEasy troubleshooting page that might look like this is sulfur uptake problems, but I haven't the faintest idea what I'm doing here (total beginner) so I thought I'd ask for some advice.

As always I would ask what's the pH of your water, what kind of water are you using and how often are you giving it. Do you know the pH of your soil? A lot of problems are down to pH being out of whack.
I don't know the answer to those questions, mainly because when I asked about how to check pH the replies I got were so confusing that I decided to just grow and see what happens. So I'm paying the price for that now, but honestly, I could not make a decision based on the info I got and all the contradictory reviews for the various pH meters and strips out there. Any suggestions would be great, but this is a super low budget project and at this point I can't afford spendy technology. My water is tap water filtered with carbon/ceramic filtration (removes the chloramine the city puts in). The city itself says the pH of the water usually is between 7.2 and 8.4, which is high, right? I have been watering daily but using small amounts of water and checking the dryness of the soil, which seems pretty dry to me. They are in 3 gallon pots, which are way big for these seedlings and I think the water just drains away from them right now, which is why I have been watering so often.
I understand it can get expensive. You can buy test strips for pH which are not the most accurate but more accurate than guessing and they are not expensive. Any garden/hydro store stocks them. I would test your water, if its filtered, between 7-8pH sounds about right. You can bring that pH down with simply lemon juice, 7.0 isn't too bad but better 6.5-6.8 in soil.

Once you know the pH of your water, you can then water slowly until there is some run-off from the bottom of the pot, test this with the test kit and this should give you a rough idea where your soil is at. Again you want it in the area of 6.0-6.8, it will swing a bit but around there.

Another thing, try not to overwater at this stage. Let the roots search it out. I would give it a few days and see what they do, that pic doesn't look disastrous, you're doing well.

If you are really worried and want expert help, hit the Live Help Thread and ask the experts.

What you are seeing should be no problem that's just new growth (like when you see the leaves of trees they are first lighter in color and start turning darker over time!
What you are seeing should be no problem that's just new growth (like when you see the leaves of trees they are first lighter in color and start turning darker over time!

Wow, really? It didn't do that with the leaves when they first appeared, and the other plant isn't doing it - whatever this is, it seems to have popped up overnight. I'm definitely getting some test strips today. The water should be good (unless the pH is way off) as the filtration system I use does not remove minerals like RO does, even though it does filter out the chloramine. And of course, I have no idea what the pH of the soil is. Lots to learn!
Something else - when should I start adding nutrients to these? I will be using Dyna-Grow Foliage Pro at first. I'm looking online for hints about when to start and so far haven't found any, even though this has to be a really common question. I must be looking in all the wrong places!
*IF* I remember correctly, sunshine mix #4 has a pH of around 7. So it shouldn't be to bad.. Could be a little high depending on what your tap water is...

15 days old is also a good time to start feeding. She could just be a little hungry. Also, your growing 2 different strains, so that could explain why their reacting differently. Honestly dude, I wouldn't worry to much yet. Smoke a doobie, and relax until you know your pH. She looks pretty healthy at the moment.

Keep up the good work.

(I know how hard it is to chill out when you think something is wrong with your baby... Here.. This always helps me :Sharing One:)