New Grower First grow. Wipeout express

Thank you. I use a gallon between the 3, I get a tiny bit of runoff sometimes.
I don't actually feed 1 and 2 since they have a super soil, I'm considering adding a small amount of Bloom to 2 to see if that helps with the problems she's having though.

anytime, as you metioning you don't feed 1 and 2 because they have super soil, you mean that in you don't feed nutes ?. what kinda super soil are you using if you don't mind me asking.
Yes 1 and 2 have super soil and no extra nutes at feeding. Plant 1 is doing great with the exception of some tiny occasionally spots on the leaves, 2 while still growing good is getting worse. My dilemma now is idk if it's because the soil is to hot or not hot enough. My next watering will be with a very small feeding of fox farm bloom to see if it improves or gets worse.

If it turns out it's too hot I don't know what to do so I'm hoping the feeding helps and if so I'll just continue to feed when it looks like they need it. The super soil was from nature's living soil for autos.
Bad news today, power has been out for about 20 hours, my house is currently 44 farenheit 7 celcius. It could be hours or days before it's restored. I fear the plants won't survive another day in total darkness and Temps as cold as it is. No electricity, heat or hot water in sub freezing outside Temps outside is bad enough to go through on its own, the thought of my plants dying is just more than I can go through. Please send me positive vibes, I need them.
i went 48hours when an old light failed on me,plants were fine.low temps they just go into suspended animation/hibernate mode.
good luck n keep er lit.
Day 46 plant 2 still putting out pistols but no flowers, at this point I'm concluding it's not going to flower without a going to 12 hours light, she's starring to grow taller than 1 and 3 so I may top her since she's still vegging to slow her growth, my hope is that she will go through a full flowering period once I do switch over to 12 which won't be until 1 and 3 are finished. Plants 1 and 3 filling out well, 1 really showing a lot of orange hairs, I really hope she doesn't finish too soon, she still has a lot of filling out to do, both showing some trichome production, I bought a 30x 60x loupe but I honestly can't tell if the trichs are clear or milky, they look milky to me but I never seen any clear since they've come in.


I'm also starting to feed all 3 plants tiger bloom at 1 cap full which looks to be about a teaspoon in a 5 gallon bucket, today was their third feeding, it's a small amount but I'll be giving it at each watering as long as they don't show burns. 3 looks to be doing better with the dying leaves with the feedings. If 1 and 3 continue to grow flowers at their rate and make it to at least day 65 with no problems, I should get a good enough yeild to make me happy.