Wait what do you mean there would be a change is i switched to 12/12 ? and it has to be something I am doing wrong then because I am using 4 different types of auto fems and they are all reacting the same way, I am using the 20/4 light cycle could this be why? Also when I refer to the age I count it from the day I dropped the plants in water that's when it should start the countdown correct?
I think that
@witchyhour said it pretty well. So given the age that they are even if you added the 5 days (and thats a good medium to late count) that it takes to get them cracked and pushing soil it still wouldn't add up to the age that they are now. The one thing that i have my eye on is the pic you had of the overhead shot. It almost looks like there is a crown forming but due to the clarity i cant quite tell. At this stage its hard to capture that properly in a photo given the fine detail that it has its something that this stage, if its forming, that would be caught with a naked eye or loop local to the plant.
First ill say that your mentality for autos is on point. I either run 18/6 or 20/4 depending on the time of year and heat needs through the dark hours. So you are fine with your light schedule. The plants them selves may be the issue and not what you are doing to them. Seems that they are healthy but just not kicking into flower. There is nothing you can do about that as that is a trait from the plant its self. Id say let them go a week or so and see what they do if not try adding a longer dark period like 12/12
When the start of flower kicks in the top of the plant will start to do this..
Note the amout of white hairs that are starting to "gather" at the top there, this is the crown that i am talking about.
Here is a plant that has sexed in 3 weeks and is now 4 weeks old and starting its flower stretch
Now what happened in this case that stunted your plants?
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there are a few things that can stunt a plant, over water, bad temps, root issues, and several other things can cause them to runt like that. I will say this, i think that it all comes back to protecting the root system. Im running a test on what actually triggers the plant to flower or if its just age...so far its been the roots.
This plant was started and left in the cup, to see what would happen if the roots didnt have much room to grow or become root bound faster. The plant stunted and started flowering before the sister plant that was started at the same time and was above the soil, only difference is the amount of room the roots have to grow.
Sister 1 4 weeks
Sister 2 4 weeks
Both of the plants are the same age as far as days go and the same genetic line, only difference is the actual volume its growing in. Small container, root disturbance or trauma and they stunt.