11 Days Old:
Auto Super Hash

Auto THC Bomb

Temps are staying between 80-85 Fahrenheit and 45-60% Humidity.
Will be investing into a Carbon Filter setup this weekend because they are starting to give off a nice skunky smell already.
Ended up losing the Auto Berry Ryder due to an unforeseen cat problem, it wanted a snack during a warm day when I left the room door open.
I've been running the lights at 24/0, would it harm the plants to switch to 20/4?
Auto Super Hash

Auto THC Bomb

Temps are staying between 80-85 Fahrenheit and 45-60% Humidity.
Will be investing into a Carbon Filter setup this weekend because they are starting to give off a nice skunky smell already.
Ended up losing the Auto Berry Ryder due to an unforeseen cat problem, it wanted a snack during a warm day when I left the room door open.
I've been running the lights at 24/0, would it harm the plants to switch to 20/4?