Hi all, I am new here and this is my first actual grow I am trying to do right. The first time I got a reasonable plant was on my cold windowsill which produced only several grams of bud a few years ago but I was more shocked it worked than anything. So rolling on to now I obtained some Sensie Skunk [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] automatic as I heard good things about it. I am currently growing in a bit of a small tent at only 40x40x100cm, using canna bio professional soil mixed with more perlite for extra added aeration and drainage and a 125 watt blue CFL in a Euro6 reflector. Waiting for my Bio Canna nutrients Bio Vega and Bio Flore with some CalMag to come. I have a small 8 inch fan blowing air into the grow tent for the time being until I get a full extraction and intake going. The air is simply circulated out of the top vent port in the tent. I am currently on day 10 from germinating my seed in a peat cube to now. I have attached some pictures.
Does anyone know why its tilting like that? like its doing its own form of lst haha.
Does anyone know why its tilting like that? like its doing its own form of lst haha.