New Grower First Grow Sensei Seed Skunk #1 Automatic Grow Log

May 30, 2017
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Currently Smoking
Hi all, I am new here and this is my first actual grow I am trying to do right. The first time I got a reasonable plant was on my cold windowsill which produced only several grams of bud a few years ago but I was more shocked it worked than anything. So rolling on to now I obtained some Sensie Skunk [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] automatic as I heard good things about it. I am currently growing in a bit of a small tent at only 40x40x100cm, using canna bio professional soil mixed with more perlite for extra added aeration and drainage and a 125 watt blue CFL in a Euro6 reflector. Waiting for my Bio Canna nutrients Bio Vega and Bio Flore with some CalMag to come. I have a small 8 inch fan blowing air into the grow tent for the time being until I get a full extraction and intake going. The air is simply circulated out of the top vent port in the tent. I am currently on day 10 from germinating my seed in a peat cube to now. I have attached some pictures.

Does anyone know why its tilting like that? like its doing its own form of lst haha.
hi and welcome :pass:
tent is plenty for 1 plant.
is it leaning toward the light,fan on it ? jab a stick or somthing in the soil and give it a lil prop up.
have a look around,lots to read.if you get stuck pop into live stoners for a cuppa tea.
good luck.
Hi @archie gemmill thank you :) yes to be fair the fan is blowing from the right at the plant, it just sways gently, the light is at a slight angle, to fit the tent lol. So its bending more toward the lowest point of the light though its also the warmer part, bit confusing really. I wonder if the fan is blowing it some? I will try stake it. I am wondering if the growth is good at this stage as its been 10 days total from the seed being popped in a peat cube and germinated to where she is at currently? I am just worried now about transplanting it from that smaller pot to the bigger 16 litre pot encase the plant gets stressed though they are all fabric air pots.
can you position the plant directly under the lowest point of light,maybe bounce the fan off the wall to may help.a lollypop stick would do no harm.
looks grand for 10 days.transplanting sorry no idea never done it.
keep er lit.
I have just decided to move the plant closer to the cfl in about 3 inches away from bulb to canopy. Did not need to water today as soil is still moist. I am going to leave the light on all night tonight as I am changing the manual timing around to having the light on from 6pm to 12am so it is easier to manage and leave the plant to sleep during the day. Will keep her going till 12 tomorrow meaning she has been under light for 33 hours by that point to start my new schedule. I just hope this doesn't stress her to much.
I have just decided to move the plant closer to the cfl in about 3 inches away from bulb to canopy. Did not need to water today as soil is still moist. I am going to leave the light on all night tonight as I am changing the manual timing around to having the light on from 6pm to 12am so it is easier to manage and leave the plant to sleep during the day. Will keep her going till 12 tomorrow meaning she has been under light for 33 hours by that point to start my new schedule. I just hope this doesn't stress her to much.
You'll be fine. Auto's can take 24/7 light (that's what I do). For future reference, auto's don't like being transplanted. Personally I plant directly into the final container, others do a tiered method. Hope it helps, you're off to a good start!!
She has perked up a bit more today! Would it be easier transplanting being that its in a cloth pot? or if I cut the bottom of the cloth pot off or open it down its side where the badge is that you can see and carefully remove it? I assume the stress comes from touching the roots or exposing them to much etc.
he has perked up a bit more today! Would it be easier transplanting being that its in a cloth pot? or if I cut the bottom of the cloth pot off or open it down its side where the badge is that you can see and carefully remove it? I assume the stress comes from touching the roots or exposing them to much etc.
You're best bet would be to cut the bottom (carefully, don't go to deep) and bury the old pot in the new one. Many people do that exact thing, but with a solo cup.
I just did some research on the pot I am using Rhizopots and being a felt like fabric they say you can transplant the pot straight into the soil of the larger pot and the roots will grow through it. Seems like a promising idea if that is the case. I may prick a few holes around the walls to make for easier breakdown of the pot and unseal the bottom. I wonder if this would work as the root balls on these plants grow extremely quick.