New Grower First Grow - Northern Lights Autoflower - Sprouty

Mar 17, 2015
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Rock Star
Well I decided that since I've enjoyed reading everyone's journal so much, and have learned so much, that I should finally post my own.

This is my first grow ever. Decided to go with Northern Lights from Crop Kings. Ordered 5 seeds but decided to just germinate one to see how it goes.

Her name is Sprouty. Currently 26 days old.

Pot size: 11 L
Veg light: 23w cfl 6500k x 2, x4
Flower light: 23w cfl 2700K x 4, 42w cfl 2700k x 2
Soil: Pro-Mix Potting Soil
Nutes: Medi-One 4-3-3

Grow Cab: HDX base cabinet. 2 120mm case fans. Digital timer for lights. Panda sheeting inside for reflectivity. (which was a bitch to install btw) 10 1/2" clamp light reflectors x 3 (didn't need 3, but oh well)
Lighting Schedule: 18/6 entire grow

Dropped one seed in a glass of room temp water and placed in the cupboard above fridge. After 15 hours nothing happened. Placed seed in moist warm paper towels between 2 plates and placed on my hot water tank. In the morning it had sprouted on Feb 19th :)


Carefully placed little sprouty in soil that I had warming up under 23w cfl x 2, and she broke soil the next day. Lights were about 4-5 inches above seedling.


Here's my setup and pics for the next week.


Had moved the lights a bit closer as it seems to be a bit stretchy.

Did my 1st watering on Feb. 24th. Regular tap water that I had only left out a few hours. PH is exactly 6.4-6.5 straight from the tap. 2 litres of water. Next time I'll fill the pot right to the top with soil, as the soil dropped about 2 inches. I cut over 2 inches off the top of the pot because I felt there was just too much wasted space.

March 2nd I added another 23w cfl x 2 about 2" above seedling. (4 cfl's total) and a 2nd watering. Oh yeah, so it's been a very cold winter and temps and humidity are pretty low. The whole grow so far temps in the day around 22-24, humidity as low as 20% and no higher than 35%. Nothing much I could really do about it as I turn my heat down in my apartment during the day and at night. It's a tough little plant can take it :)

March 7 it was looking a little droopy so I gave it another watering and 1st nutes...5ml total for 2 L of water. PH was much lower...but I didn't have any PH up (getting some this week) I felt this might have been a mistake giving it nutes...but too late now.


Perked right up after a few days :)


The dryness is why I'm having to water so much I believe. Water with no nutes on March 11th. Water with 7.5ml nutes on March 14. So I've been watering every 3-4 days. Still haven't gotten my PH up yet.


Added 42w cfl x 2 @ 2700K on top reflector. Still using 23w cfl x 4 6500k on the sides. Not sure when to switch those for 2700k. Another watering today with no nutes. Changed my light setup slightly. The reflectors on the side are to position the clamp lights a bit better. Here's some more pics I just took today.


I'm really pleased considering this is my first grow ever! It's short as hell...but bushy...nice thick stem and it smells minty up close. The room smells like weed though...although that could be this stinky white rhino that I've been smoking too ;) Would love to see some vertical growth on this baby. Kinda hard to water. I heard you aren't supposed to cut any leaves...but I ended up cutting 3 that were just laying on the soil...with no light pretty much.

Feel free to belittle my grow... or any advice would be greatly appreciated :)
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I don't think anyone should belittle THIS grow, Bud... Great little setup, and you have some great documentary pics...:Gold::Gold::Gold::Gold::Gold:, methinks!

And, welcome!! Have you put up an intro in the Introductions thread, yet? If not, head over when you get a minute and let folks know you're on the forums :)

I love first grow threads! Let us know if you need assistance, and we have a 24 hour Live Help Thread, should something urgent come calling.

Tokes to you!:Sharing One:
Thank you Waximus!! :Gold: I'll head over to the Introductions thread shortly. Going to get some nice Guiness pints now for St Patty's day!
Subbed up ... I got NL as one of my must try strains. Hope that mj smell wasn't coming from your lady because low odor is the main reason I want to grow her ... :peace:
Yeah, that's a big reason I wanted to try NL as well. It's hard to tell...when I first walk into my apartment I can smell it, but up close it smells like mint leaves a bit. However though, I'm in a bachelor it's pretty much in my room :) I'll see how it goes...starting to warm up a bit, so soon I can open my balcony door a bit.
WTF ... Where are my manners??? :welcome: to AFN bro!!!
Hi and welcome canabry, love your grow space, you've got of to a great start, will be following along pal