Live Stoners First grow need some guidance.

Hello @Rhekluse and welcome to AFN. I've used the autocobs and they make growing pretty easy. Here is 4 autocobs in a 4ft x 4ft x 7ft tent with 4 plants in 15L autopots
Normal ducting is fine. There is a type of ducting that has a pvc/film type cover over it which is a little better but normal ducting is sufficient. If there are any other points you want addressing just put them down in bulletins I’ll help with whatever I can.

- Lighting
- Nutrients
- Pots
- Carbon Filter
- S&P Silent Inline Fans
- Auto Strain
Hello @Rhekluse and welcome to AFN. I've used the autocobs and they make growing pretty easy. Here is 4 autocobs in a 4ft x 4ft x 7ft tent with 4 plants in 15L autopots
View attachment 1005700

Hi, thanks for the input mate. From what ive seen on here autocob's produce really good results. My real concern is being able to get them in the uk.
Hi, thanks for the input mate. From what ive seen on here autocob's produce really good results. My real concern is being able to get them in the uk.
I know @BigSm0 has shipped plenty of lights across the pond. Just have to get with him on shipping costs but it's easily doable.
Nice one, i was looking at that before didn't realise that was accoustic. what do you think about using the autocob's? if you dont mind me asking what do you use?

I use 3500K Timber lights, they are super close to the autocobs, almost identical in tech specs. I have had some issues getting used to them, getting distance correct and not burning up plants. They are powerful lights! Make sure you have a dimmer with whatever cob's you choose. That is neccesary as far as I;m concerned. Another issue is calcium/magnesium deficiency. I hate using calmag because it plays havoc with pH in hydro. SWhen using cob's though, you have to use it some. Honestly, I'm happier with my old blurple lights because they are so easy to use. The cob's are better in every way, maybe too much better.

I almost got the same tent you are using too. I like the Secret Jardin stuff, best out there. If you are going organic I suggest starting early preparing your soil. Organics take a long time 'cooking' to get best results. If this is your first grow, I would suggest being easy about the organic rule for a grow or two and don't feel bad to use some less than organic nutes. Lots of people are getting GREAT results with Megacrop, I like Green Planet, Remo, and Advanced Nutrients. AN is the cheaper of the three.

About the water, tap water is fine as long as you let it sit out and evaporate off the chlorine overnight or longer. Just make sure the pH is set before you add nutes, and check it again after it's all mixed up. You can never check pH too much, it is the root of all evil.

Don't worry about the duct either, cheap is fine. The noise comes mostly from the fan itself and not the ducts. There is no such thing as a silent fan. I mounted mine on a cut out rubber yoga mat on a board with another section of mat on the bottom. This cut the noise in half. You probly wont need an air pump if you stick with soil, but the trick to getting those as quiet as they can be is to add 6 feet of tubing to the intake.

Good Luck, and welcome to AFN.
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-lighting is preference do you research on a light you like just be careful for bad led lights I only run hps although the migro 600 has peeked my curiosity
-nutrient again preference I run advanced nutrient if you search afn for tangs feeding schedule he has a advanced and basic schedule I took a lot of beneficial knowledge from his posts maybe the basic will be better and cheaper for your first grow
-Pots use air pots I use the fabric pots but what ever suits your liking as long as air pruning is a factor 15L pots 20 if they will fit
-carbon filter is necessary based on your location a good inline air filter will not limit you when it come to venting your desired location but can be costly (the cost is worth it IMO)
-fans I don’t know that brand specific but as long as it pull enough air to refresh your room sufficiently you will be fine ( fans are loud be prepared)
-autostrain you will find a consensus that Mephisto and Dutch passion offer the best autoflowers not to say you won’t find winners else where but majority have good words about these two breeders. Personally I would recommend Dutch passion auto Colorado cookies she is very easy to grow I never had issues with her even when I was dealing with cal mag problems she produces well with dense rocky nugs lovely smoke really worth growing you will be please trust me
When you do eventually get running (sooner rather than later indoor growing in the summer can be a pain) make a thread and tag me I’ll be happy to follow your progress and help if I can
hi and :welcome: @Rhekluse :pass:is yer kettle full of furr :coffee: and yer tea is like dishwater ? MOVE its the only answer :woohoo1:
lets get you moved over to intros :thumbsup:
been lurking for some time or first day here ? :CSR: im archie gemmill :footy:your butlins blue coat hi de high site rep :paleo:a few things well worth a read.

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why not do an intro,tell us something about yourself your grow or your ferret :shrug:
Live Stoner Gossip bit lost or stuck,got a question ? a cuppa tea getting cold and a rocket to burn ?:coffee::smokeout:
some Guides and Tutorials:laptop:
start a journal in the new growers section :watering:

follow along with Ash-A-Ton from seed to jar thread :smokeit:

have a good look around,click on some signature links.

anything else just ask away or @ me
good luck n keep er lit
Hey man and welcome! Im an organic soil grower, id recommend the biobizz range for starting out, or making a super soil with dry amendments (worm castings, kelp meal, bat guano, fish/blood/bone meal) mixed with plain potting soil.
I use 40% compost, 40% coco coir, 20% perlite (by volume) and then follow the instructions on the amendments. Fill my pots and plant straight in to them. I use a combination of plain water and teas for the first 8 weeks and then top dress with more amendments if needed.

Some blackstrap mollasses is a nice boost for the microbes in your soil too. 1 teaspoon per gallon.
I'm pretty new, I wish I could help you with something but anyway, Welcome to a groovy place! :baby:

I will say that the Breeders you're looking at seem to be some good ones. By that I mean many folks have really nice grows from what I've seen on here.

There are many good breeders I just haven't got to try most of them yet, but I'm hoping too!
