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looks good man, nice set up. will be interesting to see how the easyryder do as i have two in at the moment at day 27 under 45wcfl but my set up is not ideal. will be interested to compare results and maybe learn the strain from one another. are yours joint doctor seeds?[/QU

Cool man. Follow along. Do you have a journal? I got the from Herbies.
i would consider using the side lighting after 2 weeks, get some more light into the branch nodes. i started low stress training for the first time this time by bending leafs twice a day to expose those nodes. it worked brilliantly with this strain and everything is branching out as you saw in my pics. if i had well positioned side lighting at two weeks those branches would be much bigger by now. as you noticed i tied it down today to get those branches out into full light (i have no side lighting yet). i will bookmark your thread and maybe we can work together a little give we are on the same strain

I do have side lighting. I just couldn't run them till 2 days ago. Temps would hit 90 degrees with them on. I switched out my bathroom exhaust for a virtual sun 6" inline exhaust and now i stay at 78 degrees with all lights running. I started lst yesterday on the easyRyder and my second sugar rose. My first SR is way bushy and low to the ground. I'm also having concerns with how i'm doing the lst since i have smart pots and i can pull the sides almost to the stem. I did not account for the settling of the soil the sides are about 2 inches higher the soil level so i folded them back and used binder clamps and pipe cleaners. I am thinking that i will use safety pins near the bottom of the pot.

Yeah man thanks for stopping by.
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Left front easyRyder 18 days.
Left back lemon haze 6 days
Right front 2nd sugar 14 days
Right rear 1st sugar 18 days she's showing sex

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your attatchment doesnt seem to have worked? or maybe its my pc?
good job on getting the side lights in, they should love that :)

i dont really have a journal but have been posting here to get advice, i think u read it becuase i found your thread by following you back from a comment you left on mine

fyi, in the thread it says chronicryder, i made a mistake, they are easyryder. (on day 30 today)
I fixed the pictures. Your ladies look good dendrite. Just got done reading about your Ph issues I know I keep being told it's unnecessary to Ph in soil but I like doing it it makes me feel better and gives me something to do.
hahah, yeh im the same, didnt manage to get to the store today for ph up and down solution , i will o tomorrow, my logic is that its cannot hurt to optimize things. . .
Well it appears that I have a zinc deficiency. My Ph being at 6.8 is to high. Dry it is 6.8 wet it only swings down to 6.6. From what I read zinc gets locked out between 6.5 - 7 I'm going to foliar feed bio heaven and have new water adjusted to 6 so that it will swing down below 6.5.

Many thanks to waria for his diagnosis and pointing me in the right direction.

2015-04-10 08.23.36.jpg
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I have been battling a zinc deficiency and It's starting to turn in my favor. There is a lot less yellow and new growth is a nice dark green:woohoo:

First up is sugar rose #1 she is the only one that showed hardly any deficiency she is 24 days old.


Next up is sugar rose #2 she had the deficiency real bad.


Next is easy Ryder she also had out real bad although she is recovering faster she also had a couple burns on her and a couple of tips are soft and our burnt. Her baby lite growth didn't seem to be growing and is staying yellow. I have not feed anything but root juice, and bio heaven. She is 23 days old.


Last is lemon haze not sure how old she is I have to look back. She has really suffered. She is growing now but her first two leaves are dead and her two biggest leaves are soft at the tip and dying


So the two are 3 weeks old so I was thinking about feeding them on their next watering I also plan on giving cal mag. Should I?

I also have been foliar feeding micro nutes every day for three days now. Should I continue? Is this the reason for my tips and burn marks maybe hot spots from the spray.

I need some guidance fellas please have a look.

Thank you
:smoke:Hey bud! ... it takes a few days for things to work their magic,..some damage won't reverse either,... if you've foliar dosed a few times with the micro (did you get the soil too?), then quit for now,..could be why you got a little toasty there recently! 3 days in a row is overwhelming,... One trick to do is after you spray, and things have dried, mist again with plain water, to redissolve the goodies to give them another chance to get absorbed... only way in is through the stomata-- gas/moisture regulating pores on the leaf surface (top and bottom- that's why you also spray these places as well), in liquid form...the rest of the leaf is sealed...
...go ahead and feed ER an 1/4 str. dose of nutes, and see how she does... many of these nutrients work with each other directly-- Fe, Zn, Mg, Mn, in particular, so making sure the whole package is available during a recovery is helpful! ....How's your RH and temps FI?
Thanks Waira.

No I didn't add the micro to soil. I was following the directions for recovery the product said to foliar feed once a day till new growth is healthy then once a week till harvest of course that's for vegetables
My rh stays around 50
My temps are low 72 high 78

I will feed ER at 1/4 strength tonight My A8 says the moisture is at 4 now it will be at 3 tonight