:smoke:Hey bud! ... it takes a few days for things to work their magic,..some damage won't reverse either,... if you've foliar dosed a few times with the micro (did you get the soil too?), then quit for now,..could be why you got a little toasty there recently! 3 days in a row is overwhelming,... One trick to do is after you spray, and things have dried, mist again with plain water, to redissolve the goodies to give them another chance to get absorbed... only way in is through the stomata-- gas/moisture regulating pores on the leaf surface (top and bottom- that's why you also spray these places as well), in liquid form...the rest of the leaf is sealed...
...go ahead and feed ER an 1/4 str. dose of nutes, and see how she does... many of these nutrients work with each other directly-- Fe, Zn, Mg, Mn, in particular, so making sure the whole package is available during a recovery is helpful! ....How's your RH and temps FI?