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Hey fantasy, im probably not in any position to give advice but since no one is chipping in yet... i personally dont water to run off any more as at the start i did and it took too long for pots to dry out so i was constantly over watering. Which i think led to ph fluctuations. The advice i got and things started to come around was to water less and more often. Took me weeks to realise when to water and when not too!
Hey fantasy, im probably not in any position to give advice but since no one is chipping in yet... i personally dont water to run off any more as at the start i did and it took too long for pots to dry out so i was constantly over watering. Which i think led to ph fluctuations. The advice i got and things started to come around was to water less and more often. Took me weeks to realise when to water and when not too!

Is what i learned from my last grow also took me till about week 6 to get a dry period in due to watering till runoff at the start. If growing in a normal sized pot is better just to water little at a time for the first week or two about 200-300ml every couple of days get her roots growing out in search of water, then as she gets bigger start increasing the amount so she needs watering every 2-3 days, you might find at the height of flower she will take 1-2L of water every few days.
Hi fantasy i agree with sanguine,To begin with you just want to keep the seedling moist, try to imagine the roots growing down and only water to the area you think it has grown, so even if its in a huge pot ,you only want to be watering for the tiny seedling in the center, i followed trappers and others method of trying to just water in a column around the base of the plant, so as to encourage the tap root to go down the pot, as your plant gets bigger increase this watering and then water around the side of the pot to encourage them to fill it, i only gave the full pot a run off at day 14,
Watering frustrated me so much, everyone just said go by the weight of the pot (which i do now) but knowing at the start how heavy it should feel just seems impossible! It just takes time
Just noticed you say you gave them 750ml each thats a bit heavy for them at the minute, as spanglish said 200-300ml is loads at the minute.
I my be opening a can of worms here, but I want to dispell the myth that roots will grow into dry soil in search of water. This simply is not true. In dry times, roots will follow a moisture level down as it receeds due to the gradual drying out of the soil. Roots have to stay moist or they die, roots will not grow into dry soil, but grow vigoriously in soil with the proper moisture level. If you want your roots to grow to full potential in the minimum time, you need to keep all the soil in the pot equally moist. By leaving the outside areas of the pot dry, the dry soil will pull the moisture out of the wetter middle soil as it tries to reach an equalibrium. Use the moisture reading on the Accurate 8 to read your moisture level if you are having problems detemining when to water. Keep in mind, that seedlings don't have alot of roots yet, so more frequent small waterings are required until the roots expand throughout the pot, usually the first couple of weeks, but keep all the soil evenly moist throughout the pot. Then water until runoff to keep the salts washed out of the soil profile. I only water my 11 liter pots twice per week even during bloom when they use alot of water, and it works great for me. I want my pH to swing, which it does as the soil dries out. I feed at 6.3 pH. The next day my soil pH will drop to 6.2 - 6.3 and slowly rise to around 6.5 - 6.6 when ready to feed again. I feed with every watering starting at 1/8 strength on day 1 and add another 1/8 each week, wk 2 = 1/4 strength, wk 3 =3/8 strength, until I remain at 1/2 strength after week 4. My plants have never shown any moisture nor nutrient deficiencies using this schedule.
I my be opening a can of worms here, but I want to dispell the myth that roots will grow into dry soil in search of water. This simply is not true. In dry times, roots will follow a moisture level down as it receeds due to the gradual drying out of the soil. Roots have to stay moist or they die, roots will not grow into dry soil, but grow vigoriously in soil with the proper moisture level. If you want your roots to grow to full potential in the minimum time, you need to keep all the soil in the pot equally moist. By leaving the outside areas of the pot dry, the dry soil will pull the moisture out of the wetter middle soil as it tries to reach an equalibrium. Use the moisture reading on the Accurate 8 to read your moisture level if you are having problems detemining when to water. Keep in mind, that seedlings don't have alot of roots yet, so more frequent small waterings are required until the roots expand throughout the pot, usually the first couple of weeks, but keep all the soil evenly moist throughout the pot. Then water until runoff to keep the salts washed out of the soil profile. I only water my 11 liter pots twice per week even during bloom when they use alot of water, and it works great for me. I want my pH to swing, which it does as the soil dries out. I feed at 6.3 pH. The next day my soil pH will drop to 6.2 - 6.3 and slowly rise to around 6.5 - 6.6 when ready to feed again. I feed with every watering starting at 1/8 strength on day 1 and add another 1/8 each week, wk 2 = 1/4 strength, wk 3 =3/8 strength, until I remain at 1/2 strength after week 4. My plants have never shown any moisture nor nutrient deficiencies using this schedule.

I grow in Promix soilless mix. No nutrient value to the soil.
Wow glad I bumped it.

I was away reading sangunie's journal came back to all of this. Nice journal sangunie I've learned a lot from your grow so far.

Now off to read your responses."AFN smoke out"
Just noticed you say you gave them 750ml each thats a bit heavy for them at the minute, as spanglish said 200-300ml is loads at the minute.

I don't know liters I shared between the 3 of them 1 1/2 liters. After asking Google I watered them 500 ml each still too much. I'm going to add some pics in a few.
