New Grower First grow. Multiple strains, 400W CFL. Screwing it up already.

cool and It gave you something to do on your crack like new hobby LOL its sooooo addicting to grow!Think Ill start growing some food too!..gona get the beans out now LOL Also growing will get you into photography cuz you want to show off ya ladies and look at you victims later like a serial killer LOL:smokebuds:
Well lucky for all of us I happen to be a veteran of the photography business. I hope you guys don't mind updates with lots of hi-rez photos. But I do apologize for the softness of the wide shots. I only had a shallow focus lens and I didn't have the motivation to dig for another one.

First we have this pretty little thing. This one is from the second round of Short Stuff#1
that germed on 9/29. Her color is improving and she is spreading out at a steady rate so
I still have hope that it will produce something. I don't care if its male or female. I got regular seeds
so I could collect pollen.

Next we have my oldest plants. Sour Diesel Haze germed 17 days ago. I still don't
know what to make of this one but since I've never done a controlled grow like this
what the hell. We'll just wait and see what happens with her.

All 6 of the solo cups were bone dry this morning. I guess their healthy new roots are thirsty.
They all got watered and I topped most of them off with some more soil.

Now on to the new seeds. All 8 have germed. A couple don't look so good. One of the SDH
grew a tap root straight up out of the soil and then did a 90 and grew about 1/2" along the soil
without penetrating so I ever so gently turned it around and buried it in a more natural position.
Part of the tap root was really thin and caramel colored. I'll just hope for the best and not sweat it.
Here we see just the cracked pod poking through the soil.

Here is her sister. Doing fine.

Hmm ok, Next we have Himalaya Blue Diesel. I had to help the second one out of her shell

And on to the Sharkbite.

And Afghan Kush Ryder

I have my lights set on 18/6. They click off at midnight which is when I usually go to bed and they come back on at 6am.
The cabinet would be completely light tight if it weren't for the fan on the front but it doesn't throw much light. It looks like
this when the lights are off in my room so it isn't enough to wake me up.

I guess that's it for now guys. I'll probably do another update tomorrow unless absolutely nothing happens.
Thanks for reading !

CaptainPeck :peace:
I have to say the compression they use on photos is disappointing. The files I uploaded were of much higher quality.
Yea I have Nikon d40 and the site doesn't do HD guessing cuz of pic space..would need a few TB to save all the HD pics from one persons grow LOL would be nice though,,If you find you stuff growing slow it may be hot soil..would be my guess..I have a few LBH going and they are tough off the jump..they are perfected for outdoor and may require less nutes and feed..keep an eye on all ya seeds ..if you see stunted growth..its over water or hot soil .
The soil I started with is only 0.10-0.05-0.05 and I haven't added type of nutrients yet so I don't think the soil is hot. I yesterday when I watered the solo cups I used distilled water with 6.0 ph and my runoff was about the same, maybe 6.2. I'm using an API aquarium water ph test kit with the drops and the little specimen vial. They seem to be fairly accurate. I think they are doing just fine for now. I disconnected one of the exhaust fans and my temps are now steady at 78-80 F. I'll wait a few days before I post any more photos.
Man ! Is it just me ? Or are live cannabis plants completely hypnotic ? I open the cabinet to have a look and I lose track of time and next thing you know I've been standing there talking to them for 45 minutes and I don't care and I stand there talking to them for another 45 minutes.
i do it all of the time. it might just be a first grow thing
Man ! Is it just me ? Or are live cannabis plants completely hypnotic ? I open the cabinet to have a look and I lose track of time and next thing you know I've been standing there talking to them for 45 minutes and I don't care and I stand there talking to them for another 45 minutes.
Just a quick update today. I haven't lost anybody yet. We're experiencing growth at a comfortable pace.

For comparison:
This is the plant that was the first photo in my last update
4 days later. She's starting to grow pretty fast now.

And here's a phone pic of the whole grow.
2013-10-16 14.34.53.jpg
I think its time for an update. Do you think so ?
No real problems to report. These things are growing nicely. I still think I made the right choice by keeping them in the solo cups. I really wanted them to remain very small. I must admit. I got the idea from the 16oz contest thread. One of the Sour Diesel Haze is showing early signs of BALLS but that's ok. I got the SDH in regular because I was hoping to get a male. I think having pollen from an auto sativa will give me the opportunity down the line to try some interesting hybrids. I may just pull the plug on my 2 super late comers. One of the 10/8 SDH and one Afghan Kush Ryder have done basically nothing since they broke through the soil. I will decide tomorrow what to do with them.

2013-10-19 19.10.40.jpg2013-10-19 19.10.59.jpg2013-10-19 19.11.16.jpg

And a youtube video of the whole cabinet.