Day 38 I have returned from the south Carribean working and my wife didnt kill my plants *whew*. I only left her with water just to make sure. There were looking pretty thirsty yesterday but have perked up since. Everything seems fine all things considered and I have switched to a light dose of Biobizz BioBloom, BioBizz Heaven, and BioBizz TopMaxx.
View attachment 8718 View attachment 8723 View attachment 8822 Here they are today just hanging out. I moved the Santa to the back left.
View attachment 8719 View attachment 8821 LR2 Phat Max looking fatter but not really growing tall yet
View attachment 8720 View attachment 8820 LR2 This is the plant Balier pointed had some potential so I moved it under the light more. Its really talking off considering it was one of the last ones to pop off its shell behind the others. I call this one "Bailers Kid"

Thanks for pointing that out.
View attachment 8721 LR2 This is the runt of my litter I call Subborn. Its little but frosty compared to the others.
View attachment 8722 View attachment 8819 Flash Santa. Well Retardo is well still looking retarted but seems to be the tallest now and has the most obvious buds forming currently. I really need a better camera or maybe I am just retarted to hehehehe
Beyond that I added a cheap led panel to the left side to see if that makes a difference at all. They are getting pretty smelly but its a good smell hehehe. Hopefully they start getting taller pretty soon as they are filling out pretty nicely.
Do you ever think your plants are not doing well when you look at other peoples? I think mine are small compared to a lot of them but I think maybe the jiffy pots might have done some of that and maybe I should have waited longer initially before adding any nutes. Maybe I dont use enough??? Oh its so madening hehehe Is less really more? I have some other plants going now using this theory anyway so we shall see