New Grower First grow. looking for some help along the way

Thanks chester, I have appreciated your help along the way. I need to water tomorrow. I am planning to hit them with some bloom nutes and molasses tomorrow. The last two times I have watered have been with no nutes.
About the only size they are going to gain now is Buds so might as well give them something to work w/ ... I assume your Bloom nutes will include some 'N' ... you're at a point that unless you step on your cola it should be smooth sailing to about an oz of bud each in about a month ... Blue Mystic is a very nice smoke ...
An oz. each, I definitely will watch where I step. I have been without for way to long. I am projecting new years eve this year will be a nice.
There are a couple tutorials here on curing ... commit them to memory ... one should be a fast cure for enough to get you thru the Holidays ... pick up a Western Caliber IV Hygrometer on Ebay ($25) and buy a 6 pack of mason jars ... your plants are exploding w/ Buds ... :tiphat:
Hell yeah 1Guy!!! These ladies are looking amazing and I think you will get a nice yeild! They all look happy and healthy and like they are going to reward you for your patience and hard work, keep it up now is when it gets really fun!
I like your use of the baking pans for your saucers. I've been thinking of doing some hempy buckets to give it a go, but was concerned about the run off. But those pans would be perfect. Now, if there were round, they'd be even better!
I am going to try my best to not rush the curing process and follow all recommendations on AFN. I have waited this long surely I can make a little longer. :) I do plan on taking a few buds and quick drying/curing them. The aluminum pans are great. I have two sets. When I water I stick 1 inch blocks under plant and water and catch the run off runs and I can test it. After they are done draining I put them in dry pans and clean out the used ones to get them ready for the next switch out.
Great idea man! The waiting for the end for cutting is like a slow motion reality. The curing is icing on the cake for me, which of course is always necessary. You gotta have icing! Taste, smell, look. Now your talking!
Thanks guys. This has been a lot of fun so far. I really appreciate everyone's help.
I am also hoping that with a little experience and getting my soil dialed in before I plant next time I could just plant 2 seeds and harvest as much as I will with these first four plants.

Guy those look great. You will be able to do two because you will have a great stash of meds from these to keep ahead. Good job. Ya'll will go on to bigger yields, but these won't be too far behind..