Indoor First Grow Log - TD - BM - CC - PE


DAY 4:

Seedlings seem fine. Under 8 daylight bulbs and 2 warm white ones.
I watered them lightly with a very diluted solution of pH'd water and a generic 19-19-19 fertilizer.

why are those first two leaves so yellow on the Auto BlueMazar?
DAY 10:

Do those seedlings look like they are on their 10th day to anyone?..
I don't feel optimistic looking at their rate of growth and color. I doubt they could be missing nutrients. They're still fighting to get their second set of leaves open.
Could the CFLs be too close? They're all about 2-3 inches away from plants. Could it be restricting vertical growth?

Cream Caramel

Pineapple Express

Blue AutoMazar

Think Different
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DAY 10:

Do those seedlings look like they are on their 10th day to anyone?..
I don't feel optimistic looking at their rate of growth and color. I doubt they could be missing nutrients. They're still fighting to get their second set of leaves open.
Could the CFLs be too close? They're all about 2-3 inches away from plants. Could it be restricting vertical growth?

Cream Caramel

Pineapple Express

Blue AutoMazar

Think Different
I do think they look stressed. I think it is most probably heat stress, so yes, raise your lights a bit and see if it doesn't correct itself. When I used to grow with CFL, at seedling stage I would have the light 6-8 inces above the plant. Have you taken a temp reading at soil surface level with a thermometer? It also looks a little like they may be getting too much water. How long have you been going between waterings, and how much each watering?
I did a mistake of watering them with too much water 4 days ago. I have each seedling about 0.4 liters. I let them dry, tomorrow they get a light watering.
I will raise the lights to 6 inches, but it's probably not heat stress since there's a fan blowing and ambient temperature isn't too high.
Thanks for the advice, hope all is well over in your garden.
I think it is a combination of not not enought light, not enough oxygen (too condensed medium and the roots are struggling to grow), propably wrong ph, and nutrient overdose. Have you measured the temperatures at top? Have you used plain tap water at any point?

To combat these problems and to start killer seeds, I suggest that you start your next seedlings in some starter cubes, made out of rockwool, peat or plant fiber. This allows the seedling to stay very moist but still have enough air for the developing root system. You can use rooting hormone product to encourage seed to sprout faster. I want to recommend you few things:

1. start brewing beneficial bacteria & fungi tea AKA "the heisenberg tea"

I can't stress enough how important it is to have healthy symbiosis with mychorritza and beneficial bacteria. Basically you will breed these bacteria and fungi in a bucket of water. You need a little equipment but it is well worth it.
I have achieved multiple root tips peaking out at the bottom of a 12 liter container & hand sized hand leaves with a three weeks old plant!! It's crazy. Just like humans need all kind's of bacteria to stay alive. If you succeed, the plants will be resistant to all kinds of diseases and grow faster.

2. use advanced nutrient connoisseur Grow AB + Bloom AB (or any cheaper version from the same brand). It has everything you need in a nutrient. They contain a very well researched formula designed specifically for cannabis plants, ditch the regular fertiziler. The "pH perfect" -thing works like a wonder too. They are a bit costly but your plants will thank you. Also by having some soil in your mix makes it hard to predict nutrient concentrations around the seed and you might be overdosing it with 19/19/19.

3. get airpots or fabric bags (5-10L) and upgrade your medium to ~60/40 coco and perlite. This more fluffy medium with breathing container makes sure you won't suffocate the roots. It encourages the roots to grow everywhere fast, while in a closed container the roots at the bottom might run out of air, especially if you do not bubble your water beforehand to saturate it. Pre-charge the medium with the bacteria & fungi tea Add small amount pH perfect nutrient (contains all needed trace minerals, liquid surface tension reduction, humic/fulmic acids, trace minerals etc..) You can keep brewing the tea as the base of your nutrient solution if you are willing to work hard. This ensures that the microbiota will stay healthy.

4. get more light. cfl lamps are imo not very good for cannabis plant. Invest in a cheap led light. You can get used, ~100watt lights at a very low price. They save you electricity and and provide much better spectrum of light. I have blasted 400-500 watts led light to seedlings and they are just happy.

5. I do not usually recommend fiming autoflowers. Autoflowers are already genetically designed to have multiple branches and fast budding. Low stress training is well enough for the plant to be very bushy.
I think it is a combination of not not enought light, not enough oxygen (too condensed medium and the roots are struggling to grow), propably wrong ph, and nutrient overdose. Have you measured the temperatures at top? Have you used plain tap water at any point?

To combat these problems and to start killer seeds, I suggest that you start your next seedlings in some starter cubes, made out of rockwool, peat or plant fiber. This allows the seedling to stay very moist but still have enough air for the developing root system. You can use rooting hormone product to encourage seed to sprout faster. I want to recommend you few things:

1. start brewing beneficial bacteria & fungi tea AKA "the heisenberg tea"

I can't stress enough how important it is to have healthy symbiosis with mychorritza and beneficial bacteria. Basically you will breed these bacteria and fungi in a bucket of water. You need a little equipment but it is well worth it.
I have achieved multiple root tips peaking out at the bottom of a 12 liter container & hand sized hand leaves with a three weeks old plant!! It's crazy. Just like humans need all kind's of bacteria to stay alive. If you succeed, the plants will be resistant to all kinds of diseases and grow faster.

2. use advanced nutrient connoisseur Grow AB + Bloom AB (or any cheaper version from the same brand). It has everything you need in a nutrient. They contain a very well researched formula designed specifically for cannabis plants, ditch the regular fertiziler. The "pH perfect" -thing works like a wonder too. They are a bit costly but your plants will thank you. Also by having some soil in your mix makes it hard to predict nutrient concentrations around the seed and you might be overdosing it with 19/19/19.

3. get airpots or fabric bags (5-10L) and upgrade your medium to ~60/40 coco and perlite. This more fluffy medium with breathing container makes sure you won't suffocate the roots. It encourages the roots to grow everywhere fast, while in a closed container the roots at the bottom might run out of air, especially if you do not bubble your water beforehand to saturate it. Pre-charge the medium with the bacteria & fungi tea Add small amount pH perfect nutrient (contains all needed trace minerals, liquid surface tension reduction, humic/fulmic acids, trace minerals etc..) You can keep brewing the tea as the base of your nutrient solution if you are willing to work hard. This ensures that the microbiota will stay healthy.

4. get more light. cfl lamps are imo not very good for cannabis plant. Invest in a cheap led light. You can get used, ~100watt lights at a very low price. They save you electricity and and provide much better spectrum of light. I have blasted 400-500 watts led light to seedlings and they are just happy.

5. I do not usually recommend fiming autoflowers. Autoflowers are already genetically designed to have multiple branches and fast budding. Low stress training is well enough for the plant to be very bushy.

Well noted, sir. Thinking about starting over with fresh seeds. My medium is composed of peat and perlite. Do you suggest I start my next seeds in peat moss only in smaller pots then transplant?

1) will look into that beneficial tea.

2) I live in a messed up third world country. I cannot get my hands on cannabis specific fertilizers..I have to live with that.

3) I will look for fabric pots otherwise I will try to make my medium lighter by combining peat and perlite without any compost or native soil.

4) I thought about 400 watts of CFL should be at least enough to get them properly through vegetative stage..

5) well noted.

Have a good one!
If you have plenty of seeds, do that. Otherwise you can just transplant into better medium a bit later. I'm talking about something like this for starting the seeds, then potting straight into final container.

I missed you having 400watts of CFL. It is enough, maybe the lamps are too close.
Consider this grow log closed until further notice. Plants will most likely be disposed of and new beans have been popped.