So i ran out of crapweed and had to dip into my stash of wax. As an aside- i dabble in fine medibles, going on 4 years now i think, and lately have been making everything with concentrates as opposed to flower.
Anywho, so ive done dabbed a couple dabs and am ready to pontificate. Sorry to my afn peeps!
Anywho again, heres an usasked for update on my new light. They shipped off the correct driver and clip hangers yesterday so i should get em tomorrow, might have the new light up and running tomorrow night, thursday night at the latest. Im excited to add the qb to the closet!
I am also getting to keep the wrong driver they sent, its rated @135 watts. I think im gonna try and use it to build another qb. Already having the free driver will save me some scratch. Another option is to keep it as a backup i guess, but id much rather splurge and have 2 qbs!
Im also slowly working on getting a buddy set up to try a round of growing.
I may sell him the reddish cob, toss in a bunch of seeds and fabric pots, and watch a homeboi get his grow on!
If that happens ill turn around and use that cash on a rapidled cob i saw, 75w for 150 dolla holla. The qb/s will be my main lights and ill fill in with the cobs. So much delish light!