New Grower First Grow Journel Indoor 240 Watt Led, Russian Dragon

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Very Very new to me, I dropped my Little Russian Dragons in on July the 10,2015 and late on July 12,2015 on of them broke soil and she looks like a very healthy Dragon, for some reason the other I dropped in has not come up yet, hopefully she made it. I am growing in a 2x2x5'7 Gorilla Light Line tent with a 190cfm inline duct fan/virgin charcoal filter with a 240 Watt LED LightHouse Hydro BlackStar, I really did not think I would even make it to this point I have a gallon of spring water pre-P.H to 6.5 and I want to take a pic of the little girl but I am scared to open my tent door as I am afraid I will harm the baby. This is a feeling like to when my daughter was born I am very afraid I am going to screw something up. :) Here are 2 pics of my Russian lady that sprouted and my little Gorilla Lite Line any watering tips for this point would be very appreciated thanks guys!


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And you're off and running, aurora!! :bravo:
This is a feeling like to when my daughter was born I am very afraid I am going to screw something up. :)
We're here to help, Brother. And don't worry, screw up are not so much an "if", more of a "when":rofl: , and these good folks usually have some great tips for getting back on track.
:pop: I'm subbed! :pop:
It wouldn't hurt to give them an oz or 2 of water when you check on them in the mornings

Now it's gonna feel like nothing is happening but that happens with bigger pots you might only see a few leafs but it's the parts you can't see in the dirt that will be growing

But luckily dragons are pretty tough and remember it's just a weed it wants to grow as long as the food is there it will grow
Well 7/13/15 lefty sprouted yesterday and Righty sprouted today, I also dropped 2 more Russians in rightys pot hopefully she will have some friends. Everything going good so far thanks guys here are some better pics... (Well a little bit better)


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7/13/15- Finally got the stupid HM Ph-200 to work... Was worried I wasted 85$, Lefty and Righty are doing good,Righty should have a few buddies here soon. I have about a gallon of Pre 6.5 water set to go, was going off the Ph-up and Ph-down Vial and matchin the colors... When I finally got the HM to work the PH was almost 6.5 it was about 6.8 just using the vial,drops and color chart. I have always wanted to grow but I never knew anything about Water Ph,or Soil Ph or anything to do with PH, Lol but I am learning and its really not as hard as what I thought, thanks to everyone on here and my buddy up the hill.
Off to a great start bro, you got them to crack and break soil so first challenge completed ;)

Looks like you are in great hands here with some of the AFN pros in here with some fantastic advice already, also when it comes to watering at this stage you don't want to be trying to water the whole pot, just the root area around the stem with the amounts already recommended by sniper earlier, this way you going to get the roots spreading out in search of moisture (bigger healthier roots = bigger healthier plants) as the plants get bigger and you are watering more you can then start to water out to a wider radius and the roots will then fill out the pot.
Thanks Spang, I did not think Righty was going to come out of the soil so I took him out early on 7/13/15 and dug around a bit and found him/her and today Lefty and Righty are both doing really good they look really healthy, I dropped 2 more germs into Rightys Crib and I am hoping to see them pop up here soon. They are loving the LightHouse Hydro BlackStar 240 LED... When I germ'd I soaked them in distilled water for 12 hours they sank proceeded to soak a paper towel with same water I soaked them in and then I put the towel in a self made hot house... and by self made mean a tin pie pan with plastic lid lol then I sat them on my modem to get a little heat, and within the next 12 hours they all had taproots about a 1-1/2 long and here we are today! They are doing great and I cannot wait to see what down the road holds. I will be putting up some more pics today, and yes I am so grateful to all you guys and especially to Sniper, I would have been in a completely different direction if not for him and I like the way I am going now :D
7/14/15- My Russian Dragon babies are doing very well they look very healthy, I gave them a little fan today for a little bit extra breeze. I am very medicated, eating a cookie and relaxing. I took a super secret spy pic today of the Russians, hopefully they are plottin summin good.


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7/15/15- Welp it is early in the A.M and I water the ladies/fellers every morning when I wake up with about 2-O.z of 6.5 Ph spring water. I always get really nervous when I water them because I am afraid I will hurt them as I have to use a turkey baster to get the water in the correct locations since its such a small amount:bow:. Anyways Lefty is looking very very good and so is Righty and to my suprise early this morning at like 4am I checked and one of Rightys buddies sprouted so now there are 3 Dragons total and they all seem to be doing really well, hopefully righty's 2nd friend emerges by tonight or by in the morning. I took a couple quick snap shot's of those sneaky Russians gotta keep tabs on them :greenthumb:.


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