Very Very new to me, I dropped my Little Russian Dragons in on July the 10,2015 and late on July 12,2015 on of them broke soil and she looks like a very healthy Dragon, for some reason the other I dropped in has not come up yet, hopefully she made it. I am growing in a 2x2x5'7 Gorilla Light Line tent with a 190cfm inline duct fan/virgin charcoal filter with a 240 Watt LED LightHouse Hydro BlackStar, I really did not think I would even make it to this point I have a gallon of spring water pre-P.H to 6.5 and I want to take a pic of the little girl but I am scared to open my tent door as I am afraid I will harm the baby. This is a feeling like to when my daughter was born I am very afraid I am going to screw something up.
Here are 2 pics of my Russian lady that sprouted and my little Gorilla Lite Line any watering tips for this point would be very appreciated thanks guys!
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