Launched! -- and very well too Annie, nicely done-

.... let me back-track a bit here...
-- the original seeds germ'ed, are they all auto's? 00 Seeds, one of the companies I've not seen much about, I do recall a while back some quality issues (germ', weird pheno's).. All i can say if at this this point, if they have not stood out here, there's likely a reason...

... I do grind over germ' fails! I tried some old stock this round, an amazing ahead-of-it's-time auto by the now defunct HighRise, GHz99,... had some older parent plant C99a too, some of those were misfires =

but got a couple going finally!
.....great score on the 'Phisto's! Interesting, Deep Blue C is back as a parent,.. that was one of their very first strains, well regarded too... SN is really really delish' by all reports, knock-down nite-nite stuff! I can't wait to run her myself, she's in queue for next round.... AvsT is a legend

....FEx is superb too, that girl will have you cleaning bathrooms at 2am-

... So, 10 plants should see you busy for a bit-

- just wait until mid-late bloom, when they have separated from each other in development, you'll be making different meals for some!
Soils, did we chat about this? If not, bare in mind my cautions about

soils,... OF especially... and look into getting that Accurate 8 soil pH probe, or identical unit under a different brand name, this is w worthy investment...

soils have been commonly problematic for a while now, some OK bags, other a hot mess,... HF tends to be better, so fingers crossed for this round, if they are OK so far, that's a good sign! Do you have a pH meter? For shits and giggles, you can do a basic slurry test with soil out of the bags, very simple: take about 1/4+ cup of soil, add in the same amount plus a bit more of RO water (must be low ppm to not skew readings), mix and let sit for 1/2hr... Some tests call for a 1:1 soil to water, other 1:2 soil:water; I thing too much water dilutes things too much, making the pH less accurate for what's in-pot,.... Strain liquid off and test! ......... next time, since your in CA like me, look for Sanctuary Soils, Victory Mix or Empire Builder (richer, not for seedlings), vastly superior and worth the extra $!
>> I saw the asymmetrical leaf mutie, nothing to sweat there...
>> transplant went well! I'm stoked that tutorial was helpful...
>> They all look to be happy girls Annie, LST is smart! That spongy tie is good stuff, I use it too, especially on the larger photo girls where some string force is applied; thinner stuff can cut, scrape, slip,...

betcha can't wait for bloom to be on! oh, the selection of aromas, sights,... so much porn!

better start working on your flash photography skills, we have hig standards for bud shots here!