Indoor First grow - how's it going?

Last night I raised the light 6 inches and gave them a gallon each and seemed to respond well to that although one plant has some signs of stress or burning


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Hi thanks for ur help. Iv been watering them as and when they need it until run off. At the minute I think there drinking about 3 litres every 3 days and that's the sort of time iv been leaving in between watering at the moment. The soil really is bone dry when they get watered.
Could it be something to do with too much heat? My light is rather close to them as am stretched for space. Thank u guys
Don't let the soil go bone dry after day 30 try for about 75% dry and that droop will clear right up brother.
Pics just taken
Now that I got a really good look at them I see that the larger lady has definite light burn. Perhaps buying a heat shield for your bulb is a sound investment. I used them on my hps and they helped with cramped space and light burn issues. I was running them 12 inches above the canopy and no light burn issues. Hope they're coming along nicely. [emoji62]

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Is the droop right before the lights go off? Plants with hps an mh tend to do that.

For day 35 those women look great. Don't worry about the droop, just don't over water them