Indoor First grow - how's it going?

Mar 10, 2017
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Hi everyone new to the forum. Just wanted some guidance on how you lot think my plants are looking. It's my first grow. Have got an alien v triangle , 2 x ripleys og and a seedsman white widow aka the beast. Basic setup is a 4x2.5x5 wooden box. 600w hps. Did have a 6inch online fan for extraction but have upgraded to acoustic 8inch box fan, temp/humid/negative pressure controller with acoustic ducting going onto a 150x600 rhino filter. 2x 6 inch clip on fans now hanging from the ceiling.
Lights been on 20/4 since they day they were potted. I put them straight into 18l pots and straight under 600w hps with a vegging bulb. They are now on day 35 and I have switched the bulb too.
Here's some pics of my setup (old fan in first pics) ducting for exhaust now goes straight out the box into the loft and out down through the loft hatch venting back into the house.
It's got 2 x 5 inch intakes on the box and i that sucks air from the window and causes a vacuum in the whole room it pulls the door shut lol

Any tips or opinions would be appreciated as this is my first auto grow (only done one grow before and had to cut it down early). Peace.

Day 35


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Think they are looking healthy? I was worried about some of the top leaves curling tips a little bit and whether they were at the a decent size for day 35. These pics were actually took yesterday so day 34 since seed
Dude your plants don't look to awful good. Every leaf is drooping and hanging down . That's not how they should be looking

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Hey man and welcome to AFN.

May I ask, what's your watering and feeding like?
I see slight yellowing of the tips of the leaves. This could indicate overfeeding or incorrect ph. Either way there is something wrong with the root mass. I would try a pH water flush of about 3 times the pot sizes to clear up any salt build up or root issues. Perhaps not enough to oxygen also from over watering. This may be why the leaves are also drooping. As I said it could mean a few things. How often do you water and how dry is the medium before you water again? pH numbers, EC levels etc etc. Shod be able to sort it from there.

1 spliff a day keeps the aching away.
Hi thanks for ur help. Iv been watering them as and when they need it until run off. At the minute I think there drinking about 3 litres every 3 days and that's the sort of time iv been leaving in between watering at the moment. The soil really is bone dry when they get watered.
Could it be something to do with too much heat? My light is rather close to them as am stretched for space. Thank u guys
Hi thanks for ur help. Iv been watering them as and when they need it until run off. At the minute I think there drinking about 3 litres every 3 days and that's the sort of time iv been leaving in between watering at the moment. The soil really is bone dry when they get watered.
Could it be something to do with too much heat? My light is rather close to them as am stretched for space. Thank u guys
Possible it can still be a root issue. Lift your lights, flush the soil. See what happens. I'm pretty sure they will be fine. Keep us posted. [emoji111]

1 spliff a day keeps the aching away.
They look great especially for day 35 ... :thumbsup: