New Grower First Grow - HiJack & Trans Siberian Autos under LED

Oldster tang's seedlings sometimes look a bit motley just like mickeys and he has no problem with, but i'm not questioning you:peace::Sharing One: SJ
Well you have to different opinions so you will need to pick one. I will stick by what I said since you have been using distilled water and TaNg uses tap water in his grows.

Saw you posted in Live Help so I will not respond to you there and let one of the other staff give an opinion and break the tie
oldster i didn't know about distilled water so thank you for that info i think mickey would be best to follow your advice and also don't worry about the motley look unless it gets worse:Sharing One:SJ
I'll break the tie! :D

I say stick it out and see how it goes!

- If those spots turn rusty its a calmag problem.
- If the plant continues to grow well and the leaves don't get any worse it's variegation.

I've had weird variegation start from seedling and continue though out theought the whole including new growth. It looked a lot more severe than that though. (see piccies below)



same top one in pot

See the top leaves of the smaller one (2 in one pot)

mickey tang and oldster are both right.. But id like to tell ya those will be fine until about day 28. I would use better water like oldster said. Lots of growers say cal+mag issues with led, but its my experience that autos in general need cal+mag no matter what light there under. they suck it up! molasses and Epson are both very good but still not enough for a autoflower. get a cal+mag supplement like botnicare or general hydroponics .. and you will be much happier..

Here's and example of the Variegation I've had in the past.


Calmag def in my experience is small rusty/brown spots. Sorry to disagree with a staff member.
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Calmag def in my experience is small rusty/brown spots. Sorry to disagree with a staff member.

We're all here for the same reason :) to help a fellow grower out!

No hard feelings from me mate :hug:
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I'm just taking a look see..And wanted to say thanks to all the great photo's and comments..Its my goal to know a problem and how to huddle it in my grow...
