New Grower First Grow - HiJack & Trans Siberian Autos under LED

Mar 12, 2015
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So I'm on my first grow... Currently growing hijack auto and trans Siberian. The trans is on day 8 since germ and hijack is on day 4.
5 gal pots
kind led l450 (270w)
temp 77-81
distilled water ph is good run off is good

so I've noticed what seems to be a slight discoloration on the TS strain. I thought it was from residual spray water when I was spraying the top layer of soil, but new growth shows this issue too. Leaves have a slight inward curl. Any ideas?

my hijack seems to be having a slight curling in issue as well.
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Hi Mickey, I don't know what that is. It does not look like Cal/Mg def. If you don't get a response here try Live Help. Good luck!
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Thanks. How do I get live help? Sorry, first time on this forum. I see "live feed" but don't see where I can post my issue with pictures
my 2cents mickey, too early for cal/mag. what soil are you using?:peace: SJ
Click on Forum at the top of the screen. It is the first link in The Chill Lounge.
Using Fox Farm ocean Forrest. I've heard its a tad hot. If it is the soil how would I know? I've seen nut burn, and I feel it always shows itself by turning the growth yellow... Idk...
the soil being too hot can cause the curling as for the motley look on some leaves i've seen that before and can be nothing to worry about, if this is your first grow start a thread and help will be offered and and my advice about first grow, DON'T WORRY it won't help. :Sharing One:SJ
Hi Mickey,

I actually do think you have the cal/mag issue going there most likely brought on by the use of distilled water since it is stripped of all minerals. For soil growers tap water generally works out much better since it contains calcium and magnesium carbonates which not only provides cal/mag for the plants but the carbonates help buffer against pH swings.

Autos tend to be cal/mag hogs anyway and growing them under LEDs increases the need. You should be using a cal/mag supplement each time you water and I would give them a foliar spray of it as well as already suggested. You will need to add a surfactant to the spray so that it does not just drip off. A horticultural wetter sticker is best but in a pinch you can use 2 or 3 drops of mild liquid dish soap. I would give them 2 or 3 sprays spaced out over a week along with the cal/mag in any watering you do and they should be fine.

The soil you are using like many of them is peat based which will tend to become more acid over time so keep a check on that. Measuring runoff pH is ok but can be misleading at times so if you have the money a soil pH meter like the Accurate 8 will give you a much more accurate view of the real soil pH

Good luck