First grow - help is greatly appreciated!

Dec 28, 2020
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First off, let me thank you personally for taking the team to read through this post, regardless if you decide to post a reply or not! :)

I just planted my first two little seedlings, one Blue Dream'matic from FastBuds and a Colorado Cookie from Dutch Passion. (autoflowers)
I planted the seeds in a ROOTIT! box 12 days ago. Germination process went fine and I transplanted them to their final pots when the roots started to sprig out from the bottom of the sponge. I now have them in 15L Autopots (turned off for now) in a combination of allmix, perelite and claypebbles. I now know that transplanting autos can stunt their growth... wich has happend. My question is should I start over, or should i let them go the full cycle? The one with the curled leaf is the Blue Dream'atic.

Do you guys think they can catch up, or is the stunted growth just too bad? Since I'm only going for two plants I want to highest return possible for the time invested.


*Secret Jardin 90x90x185 Grow Tent
*GN Telos 10 Pro LED-Light 285watts
*2 oscillating RAM fans
*2 airdomes beneath the claypebbles (not in use atm)
*2 15L Autopots

Sorry for my crappy english, its not my first language. :p


hi bro and nice to meet you also regarding repotting i start all of my girls in root riots and there first home is always a solo cup and this way I've had massive success with it also for 12 days they aren't in very bad shape also i grow in autopots so i can help you further down the line but i grow in coco with clay pebbles so I'm not up to speed on soil but i can tag a few folks for you also how often have you been watering them as id assume you should be letting them pots get light before watering @Proph @hope2grow @Arthur
hi bro and nice to meet you also regarding repotting i start all of my girls in root riots and there first home is always a solo cup and this way I've had massive success with it also for 12 days they aren't in very bad shape also i grow in autopots so i can help you further down the line but i grow in coco with clay pebbles so I'm not up to speed on soil but i can tag a few folks for you also how often have you been watering them as id assume you should be letting them pots get light before watering @Proph @hope2grow @Arthur

Hey man thanks for the reply.
When I had them in the ROOTIT KIT! I just sprayed the top of the sponge twice a day, very light. Now when they are potted up I water whenever I feel that the soil is dry on top and a few centimeters down. I just gave them their first feed as well with 1ml of grow, micro and protector.

I forgot to add as well the temps in my tent are around 19-27 degrees celius, and the RH is around 50-60% right now, except for a few hours when the tank is empty then it drops down to around 25-30% but i try to keep it full most of the time.

Nice to meet you too. :)
Just verifying here... 12 days since you planted the seed in the root riot? If so, the size isn't far off, first couple weeks they spend most of they're time working on the root system.
Like St. Tom, I use solo cups and move to their final home at about 2 weeks... but I use 2 cups, the inside one has the bottom cut off, and stays with the plant. Makes the process easier, and at least for me, more gentle on the roots of little ones. Added benefit, it raises the plant up off the bag making undercarriage maintenance easier.20201228_110309.jpg20201228_110433.jpg
Hey man thanks for the reply.
When I had them in the ROOTIT KIT! I just sprayed the top of the sponge twice a day, very light. Now when they are potted up I water whenever I feel that the soil is dry on top and a few centimeters down. I just gave them their first feed as well with 1ml of grow, micro and protector.

I forgot to add as well the temps in my tent are around 19-27 degrees celius, and the RH is around 50-60% right now, except for a few hours when the tank is empty then it drops down to around 25-30% but i try to keep it full most of the time.

Nice to meet you too. :)
these are the best go-to guys who I've tagged and hopefully, they will put your mind at rest bro

First off, let me thank you personally for taking the team to read through this post, regardless if you decide to post a reply or not! :)

I just planted my first two little seedlings, one Blue Dream'matic from FastBuds and a Colorado Cookie from Dutch Passion. (autoflowers)
I planted the seeds in a ROOTIT! box 12 days ago. Germination process went fine and I transplanted them to their final pots when the roots started to sprig out from the bottom of the sponge. I now have them in 15L Autopots (turned off for now) in a combination of allmix, perelite and claypebbles. I now know that transplanting autos can stunt their growth... wich has happend. My question is should I start over, or should i let them go the full cycle? The one with the curled leaf is the Blue Dream'atic.

Do you guys think they can catch up, or is the stunted growth just too bad? Since I'm only going for two plants I want to highest return possible for the time invested.


*Secret Jardin 90x90x185 Grow Tent
*GN Telos 10 Pro LED-Light 285watts
*2 oscillating RAM fans
*2 airdomes beneath the claypebbles (not in use atm)
*2 15L Autopots

Sorry for my crappy english, its not my first language. :p

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I like to ask clarifying questions.. My 1st question would be, why do you think they are stunted? My next question would be, what are you comparing them to?

Seedlings average 1 set of new leaves a week.. So just going by looks, both of those plants look at least 14 days old.. At around 21 days, they should have close to 3 sets of leaves.. I don't think your plants are stunted.. But am curious about why you think they are.
Er du norsk?

Welcome! There are lots of pros here with great help. The plants might be working on big roots at the moment. Give it time and they could spring up a lot. They don't look bad.
Just verifying here... 12 days since you planted the seed in the root riot? If so, the size isn't far off, first couple weeks they spend most of they're time working on the root system.
Like St. Tom, I use solo cups and move to their final home at about 2 weeks... but I use 2 cups, the inside one has the bottom cut off, and stays with the plant. Makes the process easier, and at least for me, more gentle on the roots of little ones. Added benefit, it raises the plant up off the bag making undercarriage maintenance easier.View attachment 1270005View attachment 1270006

Yeah, I belive it was around 12-14 days ago. I started my growdiary but forgot to save it when i powered down my computer... stupid!! :doh:
Ah cool, yeah i thought about doing it that way as well, or making a small pocket of Lightmix for the seedling to grow in after germination. But overall you think this grow is safe to continue? When is a good time to start using the AirDomes and Autopots wateringssystem?

Oh yeah, today i fed them 2 liters of water each with 1ml of protector, grow and micro. Is that enough or should I water more?

First off, let me thank you personally for taking the team to read through this post, regardless if you decide to post a reply or not! :)

I just planted my first two little seedlings, one Blue Dream'matic from FastBuds and a Colorado Cookie from Dutch Passion. (autoflowers)
I planted the seeds in a ROOTIT! box 12 days ago. Germination process went fine and I transplanted them to their final pots when the roots started to sprig out from the bottom of the sponge. I now have them in 15L Autopots (turned off for now) in a combination of allmix, perelite and claypebbles. I now know that transplanting autos can stunt their growth... wich has happend. My question is should I start over, or should i let them go the full cycle? The one with the curled leaf is the Blue Dream'atic.

Do you guys think they can catch up, or is the stunted growth just too bad? Since I'm only going for two plants I want to highest return possible for the time invested.


*Secret Jardin 90x90x185 Grow Tent
*GN Telos 10 Pro LED-Light 285watts
*2 oscillating RAM fans
*2 airdomes beneath the claypebbles (not in use atm)
*2 15L Autopots

Sorry for my crappy english, its not my first language. :p

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heya @Cannabiskollektivet and :welcome: to afn! :toke: my vote is to keep em goin & anything u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

I like to ask clarifying questions.. My 1st question would be, why do you think they are stunted? My next question would be, what are you comparing them to?

Seedlings average 1 set of new leaves a week.. So just going by looks, both of those plants look at least 14 days old.. At around 21 days, they should have close to 3 sets of leaves.. I don't think your plants are stunted.. But am curious about why you think they are.

I was just looking on youtube grows and compared the size, i just thought they looked very small in comparison. Yeah they are around 12-14 days old.. and as i mentioned i'm new to this so my only frame of reference are youtube videos. But it makes me glad to hear that they seem okay! :)