First grow , Fast buds pineapple yellowing help!

May 7, 2018
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Hello everyone , hopefully I am posting this in the right area. This is my first grow and I am on day 7. I am using promix bx with a perlite base and about 70/30 soil to perlite mixed. I am using a 180w led ufo (90watt draw) about 8” away from the 3G pot. Germinated in cup until sprout and then moved to paper towel. Everything has been going smoothly other than the yellowish veins I’ve been noticing. I am not sure if it is a deficiency / ph level or me being over worried. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I would like to fix the issue.


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Seems that you may have the light pretty close, I would back it off to 24" above and she looks hungry to me. Not sure if that's totally correct, but i'm sure someone else will chime in.
Out of curiosity, did you pre rinse the promix?

I read somewhere that soilless mediums should be pre rinsed prior to use regardless if manufacturers pre rinse or not. I used to grow in coco and forgot to precharge/rinse my coco and my seedlings started to lighten in color as well.

Thought they maybe hungry, but at that seedling stage i highly doubted it. However against my better judgment i went a head and fed at 1/4 base nutes and still the problem kept on. Eventually the seedlings grew out of it on their own by week 2.5

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Out of curiosity, did you pre rinse the promix?

I read somewhere that soilless mediums should be pre rinsed prior to use regardless if manufacturers pre rinse or not. I used to grow in coco and forgot to precharge/rinse my coco and my seedlings started to lighten in color as well.

Thought they maybe hungry, but at that seedling stage i highly doubted it. However against my better judgment i went a head and fed at 1/4 base nutes and still the problem kept on. Eventually the seedlings grew out of it on their own by week 2.5

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I didn’t pre rinse it , I did initially soak it through and let it run off a bit before planting (i don’t think that’s the same thing). I did however pre wash and strain all the perlite added to remove dust. At this point I brought the light up to the 2’ mark. It’s still growing pretty strong imo, so we’ll see what happens. I hope it grows out of it
Make sure you ph your water near 6.5.Seedlings will have mixed green colors like that but nothing to worry about and it should correct itself as she gets larger but do not feed nutes for another 10 to 12 days then only a very lite dosage of veg nutes
Make sure you ph your water near 6.5.Seedlings will have mixed green colors like that but nothing to worry about and it should correct itself as she gets larger but do not feed nutes for another 10 to 12 days then only a very lite dosage of veg nutes

Thanks for the response. Unfortunately I only got my ph meter after I pre soaked soil initially. I don’t imagine it being over 7. I’m going to test the water I used tonight (I still have the same water). As for nutes I have Cyco grow A&B. I was going to start at a 1/4 dose week three? My next watering without nutes should be coming up in a couple days. Should my R/O be at 6.5 or the actual water I’m using ?
Thanks for the response. Unfortunately I only got my ph meter after I pre soaked soil initially. I don’t imagine it being over 7. I’m going to test the water I used tonight (I still have the same water). As for nutes I have Cyco grow A&B. I was going to start at a 1/4 dose week three? My next watering without nutes should be coming up in a couple days. Should my R/O be at 6.5 or the actual water I’m using ?
Your feed or plain water should be close to 6.5 give or take a few points up or down.Trying to correct runoff is just going to make a mess.If you check say ten different plants runoff most likely they will all be different.So the best you can do is ph all intake water between 6.2 and 6.8 and add cal/mag at least every other watering you should be ok.
Seems that you may have the light pretty close, I would back it off to 24" above and she looks hungry to me. Not sure if that's totally correct, but i'm sure someone else will chime in.
I agree. Move the light away a bit. I never have my lights closer than 3 feet away from plant tops. Not that I'm preaching the gospel, but it works for me. Also, 9 out of 10 of my problems have started with improper ph balance. I grow in coco and keep my ph levels between 5.8 and 6.4. Invest in a good ph meter that comes with premixed solutions for calibration. I used a cheap $10 one for a few grows and always ended up with at least one deficiency. I recently purchased a bottom of the line meter from Apera off Amazon and everything has been smooth sailing ever since.

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:yeahthat:... yes, waaaaay too close,... also, in that mix, you should start weak nutes now, including Ca-Mg,... there's basically nothing in that Promix! No need to rinse promix, it's peat based,.. some coco does need it, but the better brands are ready to go,....