New Grower First grow ever! Think different, Magnum grow journal

According to this website your growmix has enough nutes
to last 3 weeks.TEK is right,too soon and too much.You might get away with it with organic nutes being milder
than chems,but you can overfeed organics if you go way OTT.
One sure way to stunt an auto is to over/underfeed it early on.Ive done both.
Also,i see from that link that plagron has sphagnum peat moss in it,which will start to go acidic about weeks 4-6.
I didnt see you mention if you added dolomite of lime or powdered oyster shell to counteract the acidity.
Soil manufacturers never seem to add enough.1-2 tbsp/us gal is the rec. dosage of DoL if i remember rightly.
Water only for 3 weeks or until you see the plant asking for food,lets hope you havnt stunted them.
According to this website your growmix has enough nutes
to last 3 weeks.TEK is right,too soon and too much.You might get away with it with organic nutes being milder
than chems,but you can overfeed organics if you go way OTT.
One sure way to stunt an auto is to over/underfeed it early on.Ive done both.
Also,i see from that link that plagron has sphagnum peat moss in it,which will start to go acidic about weeks 4-6.
I didnt see you mention if you added dolomite of lime or powdered oyster shell to counteract the acidity.
Soil manufacturers never seem to add enough.1-2 tbsp/us gal is the rec. dosage of DoL if i remember rightly.
Water only for 3 weeks or until you see the plant asking for food,lets hope you havnt stunted them.
Nope, I didn't add dolomite, can you please write how to dose that dolomite?
Nutes are purely organic, not Chems I gave them half strength only once in about 50ml on each flower, now iam still using pure water
Dolomite of lime is usually mixed into the medium about 2 or 3 weeks before use as its slow working.
Powdered DoL can be top dressed and watered in,ive also mixed it in water and just watered in.
Powdered oysterhell does the same and i think it works quicker,but am not sure of doseage.
You should be fine with the DoL.
Day 13 think differents, Magnum and some photos for cabin grow




And photo collection two of them are purple

Today no nutes for them will start at week 3
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Keep an eye on your cotyledon leaves,when they start losing their green colour to yellow,
you klnow its time to feed.When will depend on how hungry you plants are.
Keep an eye on your cotyledon leaves,when they start losing their green colour to yellow,
you klnow its time to feed.When will depend on how hungry you plants are.
Thanks for advice mate, cotyledons are OK for now, it was just experiment with those nutes... Plants lookin fine and healthy
Day 22 yeah some vigorous grow overnight bitchez! Nutes yesterday 1/3 strength and this happened!
Nice side grow combined with vertical grow finally sunny days came!
Think different 1,2,3



And my photo collection

I have also five autos, unfortunately I mixed seeds of mazar and auto ultimate
But they already have those Lil leaves out of ground :-D
I prepared soil for them made from:
75l gardening soil
40l of coconut
40l of perlite
One cup of dolomite lime
50l of plagron grow mix
Two showels of sand
Ten shovels of organic homemade compost
They are Goin on cabin, will post some pics tomorrow

Dug hole 50cm diameter and cca 70deep...
Pistils spotted :-):-):-):-) should I start to mix my nutes with flowering nutes?