a schedule is just a rough guide,many people think a schedule should be followed religiously.but but what if the plant goes 2 weeks longer or a week shorter than the schedule ? how can it be right ? some plants can take whatever you throw at them,some ya can see them flinch when the bottle of feed comes near them

i used to live in an area that had high levels of calcium (limestone mountains nearby) in the tap water,safe/drinable but not the best tatsing.worst thing was the element of the kettle furred up over time then hardend like a stone

the tea was shite so had to move away.
heres my most detailed schedule
+/- a ml here and there +/- a week and im in the ballpark,and for this dipshit thats good enough :smoking:
tds was just me playing about as im a soil grower i dont think tds/ppm matters so much.ph is allways there or thereabouts so i never adjust it if its between 6.1 and 6.9 in it goes.
(i am an average grower and will never get better,i like the theory but too lazy to put it into practice myself) allways get a 4th opinion

but ya wont go far wrong with
keeping an eye on ya
@Iriee Vibez 
can grow a nice plant to

most look more like this

a fantastic grower with beautifull pics of lovely picture perfect plants

has posted many a detailed schedule,many have copied word for word and ended up with not so nice plants

environment is a lot more important than we think.keeping things within range.temp/humidy/ph/tds/ppm/ec if ya hydro,read the plant not the schedules
think they call it dialed in :smoking:
even just by being in the tent/cupboard can raise the co2 by 600 odd ppm :smoking: play them a tune,have a chat

if they happy they will produce

ya doin good