New Grower First grow ever started on 420 with Mephisto, Bio Tabs, ChilLED, Auto Smart Pot etc.

Thank you man! Lights are on 24/7.

Sadly this and the next grow i can not monitor them and watch them grow everyday or spend time with them but yes iam enjoying it! I see my self taking care more plants in the future!
Its a great hobby and iam amazed by how hooked i got! I have 4 seedlings popping leaves from a lemon tree and some other cuttings from other plants as well to see how it works, if they are going to pop roots or not! I started noticing plants and trees more :p
Also after the 2nd grow i will start expanding my wife's garden so i can say i got pretty into it yes!!!

Engines and flowers!!! :p

I noticed that if the humidifier is running and there is mist where you measure, the measurement is higher due to the reflection of the vapor particles. ( i think )

Yes personally when iam high a bit i tent to feel the negative or positive aura of people so i understand what you are talking about.

Skill will become when i can read the plants and fine tune their environment. Now iam just following what i read the past 7-8 months i filtered out what makes no sense and follow what you guys tell me. So lucky to find AFN and a few willing people like your self that document and help.
Iam really documenting and writing a calendar for the first time in my life and am doing so to keep track and to show other people that its relatively easy when you have the right gear and follow advice from other people with more experience.
I have read so many stories of plants not working out because basic habitat problems for the plants like temperatures and humidity and in mind was... "but he can solve his problem with a humidifier" or AC or heater, you get my point! (Pass) ..and still they try doing it the really hard way wasting time money and energy.
It was very simple in my mind A,B,C,D,E...

I will understand the plants needs and wants in the near future but i only really put bat guano just because you did it. Last night i was reading about NPK and iam starting to get the idea why you did it like you did.

The breeders give an estimate of 120-300g per plant. In my head 200+ What do you say @MedCzech

You sound a lot like me. I am the same way. Why would t yo just copy someone who already knows what to do right?

I may not be the best grower, but the system I have is very solid and gets results. Find your own version, and yes, environment is everything. When environment is good, everything else is pretty easy.
If you buy the inkbird system controllers, it makes life very easy. They have one that helps regulate temps and one that regulates RH, if your lights are good, then the environment can be kept perfect. The inkbird only costs like $30 too, so not a big investment.

Let us know what you may need help in and we will chime in when you need us. This site is awesome. Great people around , all willing to help out.
You sound a lot like me. I am the same way. Why would t yo just copy someone who already knows what to do right?

I may not be the best grower, but the system I have is very solid and gets results. Find your own version, and yes, environment is everything. When environment is good, everything else is pretty easy.
If you buy the inkbird system controllers, it makes life very easy. They have one that helps regulate temps and one that regulates RH, if your lights are good, then the environment can be kept perfect. The inkbird only costs like $30 too, so not a big investment.

Let us know what you may need help in and we will chime in when you need us. This site is awesome. Great people around , all willing to help out.

I have no problem with copying, its a base for most things to start anyways, but if you don't get into it and find out the why and how behind what you are copying then its for no use and failure is unenviable. Not just in growing weed but any everything in life.
Got the inkbird system too, i have the humidifier - dehumidifier, heater and AC on them! They work. And for $60 it was just add too cart! I will start monitoring the PH as well manually for this grow, but getting some quality instruments for the next one, a par meter is one.
I got an RO kit as well that i did not use but iam aerating the tank for now.
Hey Ganja, I have a cool mist humidifier also. I read where a lot of folks who have high calcium in the tap water they use end up with those same tiny white particles on the plants. The big one Med mentions isn't that, but the tiny white ones may be.

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@Iriee Vibez Thank you bro for the input! I will install the RO for the next grow, and start monitoring the water PH.

Also i have an air stone now it will help get rid of the chlorine.

I read autoflowers like to consume when the PH is somewhere 6 - 6.5. with ideal temps 25-30C and the according RH.
Hey Ganja, I have a cool mist humidifier also. I read where a lot of folks who have high calcium in the tap water they use end up with those same tiny white particles on the plants. The big one Med mentions isn't that, but the tiny white ones may be.

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Yep, I almost said that as well IV...the mist from humidifier, rich in Calcium, leaving white Calcium dust everywhere. I have tons of it in my tent after every grow. I have to use compressor to blow out lights and all electronics, otherwise within a couple cycles. I would fry everything I got.

That's how lights end up burning out, beware the Calcium dust!
Yep, I almost said that as well IV...the mist from humidifier, rich in Calcium, leaving white Calcium dust everywhere. I have tons of it in my tent after every grow. I have to use compressor to blow out lights and all electronics, otherwise within a couple cycles. I would fry everything I got.

That's how lights end up burning out, beware the Calcium dust!

WOW ok... you guys are on a different level.. calcium dust. ( blower - check )

I read autoflowers like to consume when the PH is somewhere 6 - 6.5. with ideal temps 25-30C and the according RH is this valid ?
WOW ok... you guys are on a different level.. calcium dust. ( blower - check )

I read autoflowers like to consume when the PH is somewhere 6 - 6.5. with ideal temps 25-30C and the according RH is this valid ?

5.8 in hyrdro, 6.2 in coco mix, and 6.5 in soil medium are the norms for each.

Do you understand what VPD is? Vapor pressure deficit...has to do with balancing the plants traspiration rates, details I can give you later I feel you need. It's all about balancing your temp and RH.

Here is a chart showing what temp/RH needs to be to stay in the range during the phase of growth.


So you can see here, that for example during veg, if you run 26C, you would want to be at around 70% RH, but if you had 26C during late flower, you would want your RH around 47.5%, that keeps the balance of transpiration for the plant during that phase of its life. Some people like to keep plants in the green the entire time. In this example, at 26C the RH would be left at 60% the entire grow. Many organic growers use this principle. I have a controllable environment myself, so I program it to mimic the chart as it should, start with the lower transpiration rates to higher through flower.

It's not hard to follow, I am sure you will get it.
5.8 in hyrdro, 6.2 in coco mix, and 6.5 in soil medium are the norms for each.

Do you understand what VPD is? Vapor pressure deficit...has to do with balancing the plants traspiration rates, details I can give you later I feel you need. It's all about balancing your temp and RH.

Here is a chart showing what temp/RH needs to be to stay in the range during the phase of growth.

View attachment 1062557
So you can see here, that for example during veg, if you run 26C, you would want to be at around 70% RH, but if you had 26C during late flower, you would want your RH around 47.5%, that keeps the balance of transpiration for the plant during that phase of its life. Some people like to keep plants in the green the entire time. In this example, at 26C the RH would be left at 60% the entire grow. Many organic growers use this principle. I have a controllable environment myself, so I program it to mimic the chart as it should, start with the lower transpiration rates to higher through flower.

It's not hard to follow, I am sure you will get it.

Yes i understand, i have this as well and following it, i will adjust the RH, PH, Temp tomorrow alongside with lux intensity. The stems are a little soft though and i was thinking to lower the RH to 60 from 65 iam now and see if this stiffen them up a bit.
I was planing to drop it all the way to 40% in late flower and 35% when the lights go out.
The stiffening of the stems is not affected by VPD as much as either internal chemicals, like in flower the stems stiffen automatically as a genetically coded trait so the can support weight of buds. Introducing more silicates is an artificial way to aide this process. Raising your transpiration rate too early can lead to mineral and nutrient uptake inbalance.
Please, just follow the rules and you guys can all grow great nugs. Ideas are nice, but my friend always told me, science is better than offense to your statement. So many growers try to use what they think is just logical thinking and quite often in the short term, correct the issue, and in he long term create more problems. I was one of those growers myself.