New Grower First Grow Ever (NY)

By the way, by different I mean size. Amy and Alice are 16” tall with 7” leave fingers at 24 days old and yours seem less developed at 26. Wondering if just a light thing? Also my temp is always 75-78 day and 66-68 night and humidity always 50-57. I only use humidifier occasionally for a day here and there cuz here by the beach it’s usually 45-60 ambient rh. I’m definitely not doing anything right “on puprose” because I’m still learning and developing “my way” to grow. We came in here together and I enjoy learning with you. As far as lighting they were born at edges of tent 42” away from 100% light and are happily growing to it. Plan is light doesn’t move til approx 24-26” then raise it a few inches.
I’m using a Mars Hydro FCE4800. I’d say the light is ~12-18” from top of plants. At 75% brightness. 20 on 4 off. My lights off temps probably low 60’s. Lights on is around 76 with 50% RH. Trying to get my RH higher more consistently…
Day 28: Did nada. They’re still alive!
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When do you start flowering nutes? First signs of pistils? I found one set on one of the plants last night, was just curious since the next time I water I need to feed as well
You’ll want to give it plenty of time to stretch. Below is how my last one looked when I switched to my bloom nutes. That was around the 35 day mark but it varies each time.
View attachment 1453463
Ok, cool. So stick to veg nutes until they’re done stretching, then switch over to flowering nutes? Mine are in FFOF so they’ve only received 1 feeding so far…
Also upped the light brightness a little bit. Once they’re in flower, I can switch over to 100%. Will do it gradually I think?
Bounced back nicely and it looks like it is very happy for it's stretch are u going finsh this one alll. Indoor?