New Grower First Grow Ever! 2x AutoBlackBerry Kush + BioBizz

Apr 25, 2015
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Greetings! My first ever grow & journal.. since AFN was a big help in the research phase of actually learning from such a wide knowledge base.. easy decision to throw it up here to learn & grow myself.. just as my girls do... hopefully! :)

Grow room: 2 foot X 4 foot & 150cm high! DIY timber, plasterboard & insulation built in my loft! Coated out with diamond mylar, 4" fan with carbon filter ducted top corner, inlet vent bottom corner for fresh air as built airtight when door shut! Oh & 2x mid size usb fans to get a blow going when needed!

Lights: Full CFL due to trial with small space & personal gain! Over each 3 gal pot.. eventual potential 4X CFL over each pot! I have 8x 45w 6500k & 8x 45w 2700k to add & change combinations as the grow goes! With a hand made reflector for each bulb holding connectors.. using the diamond mylar above the hanging lights for hopefully max reflecting! All trial & error! :D
I do have a 400w ballast & reflector with a sunblazer bulb as a back up or for the next grow.. i jsut think the heat will be an issue with the small space!

Nutes: BioBizz.. Bio Root Juice, Bio Alg-a-mic, Bio Grow, Bloom & the fish mix! i was planning on just Biobizz.. but added Advanced Nutrients Bug Bud, Overdrive, Carboload & PlantMagic Cal/Mag! So im fully stacked even tho very light nutes when the time comes is my plan.. depending on how the grow plays out along the way!

Soil: This was the only thing i rushed into before alot of research.. but with some sterilized soil, worm castings, perlite & some vermiculite.. & a roughly 50% - 30% - 15% - 5% mix.. i just had to go with it!

Misc Kit: Temp/Humidity Hygrometer, TDS3 PPM meter, digital PH meter! Tap water 6.9PH & 75 PPMs.. first things i bought to test water daily was the PH & PPM meters as the research went on.. & solid readings each time so can trust my water at those readings even tho i know R/O 0PPMs is the ninja choice.. not quite capable for that setup yet!


Germination: Tap water at room temp.. splash of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide.. 12 hours in total dark 22c temp room.. they sank & small crack appeared in that time.. fully drenched the soil beforehand with the plain tap water.. made an inch hole.. 0.5 mil root juice in it.. lightly covered it back.. put seed maybe 7mm below surface & gentle covering of soil over it! Squeeze of the water spray gun.. then covered the pot in clingfilm for the greenhouse effect i saw alot about! I done this for each pot! After 24 hour i turned on a 45w CFL 6500k 10 inch above each pot.. & then at 54 hours from planting seeds.. i had 2 sprouts appear! :) :) Then my Day 1 cycle had begun.. removed clingfilm.. lowered lights slightly as i heard between 500 lumens to 1500 lumens for sprout is 'optimal' & hugely up for debate! :/ haha! The journey begins..

Im a complete newbie.. made sure i stacked myself with info & luckily i do have patience for days.. & the best knowledge i read was.."relax.. its called weed for a reason" so i intend to take that advice! :)

Finally.. sorry for so much info.. one thing i buzzed for was when someone laid it out with as much info as possible in lehmans terms where possible! & if i can help anyone as much as you guys have getting me to where i am now.. then i really hope i can no matter how small! :)

Now just need to attempt upload pix of my babies! haaa

Plant 1.. this one came up with the seed casing clasping the tiny sprout.. managed to gently remove it.. first time tho.. WTF?? haha
Day 1 Plant 1.jpg
Day 1 Plant 1-2.jpg

Plant 2.. she came up no problems.. or at least not with the seed case still on her head! :)
Day 1 Plant 2.jpg
Day 1 Plant 2-2.jpg

Nice setup dude and :welcome:. The only thing I can say as a Noob myself is glad you didn't use RO water that was my biggest mistake I also use the BioBizz line up. I had multiple deficiencies at the beginning until i switched to tap water I just didn't know better I thought RO was the way to go. From what i understand though advance nutrients like RO water. Anyway good look :cheers: here is to a successful grow. :pass::greenthumb::goodluck::growing:
You should also look into silicon its called rhino skin from advanced nutrients.. I got the cheaper PRO-Tekt. Man over night my ladies went from weak to body builders. :headbang: Thanks to faded187 for the recommendation all my ladies are like tree trunks now even my one that was always limp and droopy she now stands tall and strong...:yay:
Day 3 & 4 - Considering it was 6 days in the pot with the germing too.. i dedided to mix .5 liter of 24 hour stood water with 0.5 mil or root juice & gave each pot 250ml.. mainly a circle 4 inch away the sprout.. id heard the roots begin to grow & search near starvation.. so i guess when they get that far out they'll have a treat waiting! :D 24 hours after doing so.. looks ok so far!

Plant 1 - gave out a little stretch.. 1st pic day 3.. 2nd pic day 4 & 24 hour after water & root juice...
Day 2 Plant 1-2.jpg
Day 3 - Plant 1-2.jpg

Plant 2 - Staying short & 'chubby'
Day 2 - Plant 2.jpg
Day 3 Plant 2-1.jpg

The main reason for same strain in each pot was to maybe make slight changes to each along the way.. view results & maybe discover a happy medium or optimal for the grow room! Already tho.. one has slight stretch while other doesnt & exact same conditions & light distance so far.. maybe plant 1 coming up with the seed case on her head caused it?! i guess i can only watch as it goes along for now! :)
Hey brother ! just stopped in to have a look see ! looking great so far buddy ! all the best in the near future and blessings from the ganja gods ! :karmacloud: :peace::baked:
You should also look into silicon its called rhino skin from advanced nutrients.. I got the cheaper PRO-Tekt. Man over night my ladies went from weak to body builders. :headbang: Thanks to faded187 for the recommendation all my ladies are like tree trunks now even my one that was always limp and droopy she now stands tall and strong...:yay:

Alright brother.. I forget to ask when you think is best for the use of this Rhino Skin would best? :) Is it best from when the girls are ready for small nutes or a particular stage of growth? Thanks! :peace:
Alright brother.. I forget to ask when you think is best for the use of this Rhino Skin would best? :) Is it best from when the girls are ready for small nutes or a particular stage of growth? Thanks! :peace:

I'm really no expert but from what i read you can start from the very start of the plant. If you plan on doing some lst you might want to wait till you start pulling over the main stem because it will get hard real quick. I also read that you should continue to use it into flowering but stop like a 2-3 weeks before harvest.

Let me tag @faded187 since hes has the experience.
Hope that helps :pass:
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Day 5-6.. Both sets of 1st leaves starting to go a fairly light green colour.. 2nd set just barely appeared but im definitley thinking its slowing down & a nutrient defficeny as far as a bit of research on the problem goes! I just dont want to add any nutes since its so young! I did mix 200ml of water with .5 ml root juice & 0,5 alg-a-mic & gave 100ml each to see if it gave a slight change.. day 6 there was not much change tho!

Room Temp 24-25 degrees & 40% RHumidity lights on.. maybe a little dry.. not sure if that could be the problem? Each pot has a 45w CFL giving 3000l each.. about 4-5 inches away from each sprout! I tested the water caught under each pot.. even tho ive havent watered enough for any run of really.. but PH was 6.7 & PPM was 155.. nothing crazy as far as i know! Maybe over thinking.. maybe not.. but best to ask quickly & learnt too late right!? :)

Plant 1.. Day 5 then x2 Pictures of Day 6.. she has seemed to got more darker since the slight addition of more root & alg-a-mic.. but im sure the growth should be alot further on.. so definitely need some help or thoughts please?!
Day 5 - Plant 1-1.jpg
Day 6 Plant 1-1.jpg
Day 6 Plant 1-2.jpg

Plant 2... not much change or growth at all.. leaves alot limey'r!? 1st pic Day 5.. last 2 are Day 6
Day 5 Plant 2-2.jpg
Day 6 Plant 2-1.jpg
Day 6 Plant 2-2.jpg