New Grower First Grow: Blue Cheese & Girl Scout Cookies

Not only am I allowed to mention it, but I just found out AFN is a Gold Sponsor! :woody:

Here's a link if you'd like to check it out!

It's free to register as of right now, but that could change! :shrug:

If you decide to register, you can use Autoflower Network as your company name! :headbang: :vibe:

whoa thats pretty neat. so its a show/expo that is done entirely online? my girls (in the tent) and i will be able to participate. lol
day 15 update

my HLG-100 v2 which is a QB288 v2 board with a heatsink and Meanwell HLG-80H-54A driver arrived yesterday so i got that set up and got rid of the blurple light.


i noticed a little burning on the top of the leaves on my GSC2 plant. any idea as to what could be the cause of that?
day 16

i am already starting to notice a very slight aroma in the room from the plants. i never knew the odour would start this early but its quite nice. still no need to turn on the scrubber yet as i cannot smell it from elsewhere in the house.


blue cheese [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] has popped pistils :)
Greetings and welcome to the group. Nice starts. Looking forward to following along!
day 20
topped the most mature girl at the 5th node. it was my first time topping so i was a little nervous but i think i did it correctly.

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Reactions: wes
Great grow! I'm following along.
Mr. Canucks grow is awesome. Love his method and am hybridizing/emulating it with my currents.

He waters at 6.8 though I think, and mixes in 50/50 of the two Gaia's and top dresses once in preflower and 70/30 in during mid flower as a top dressing I believe.