New Grower First Grow: Autoflower BubbleGum 150 watt hps, In a tent

Hey some one please stop by and give this question a thought :D dont like losing sleep thinking about my plants thats some bullshit haha, well any way my plant is like 20 cm tall and its at day 27 im a little worried about the length howcome it hasnt started stretching. Have i stunted my plant? of course theres no way to tell on those facts but i can say what i havnt done. No heat stress or light stress nor nute burn or any defficencies and shes been all healthy throughout the whole grow and seems like shes really happy and i looked that others that have grown this same strain had at this point the same length in inches so 20 inches and im at 20 cm haha :D well if anyone has any thoughts of what i should do to maybe help a stretch get going ? thank you all !!
If you post in the 24hour help thread someone might be able to put your mind at ease straight away rather than drive yourself crazy haha! I know what its like bro, my plants get almost as much of my love as my daughter does :roflcry:
haha true but i think ill just see what happens :D im just a dramaking always bitchin but things have a way of straightenin emself out. shes really looking good its just the maybe i was too obsesive on the lst because it is an auto and i didnt think about the veg time at all haha i was training it like a photo but lets see how things go i trust it will all work out :) thanks for the comment and good info though dread
hey bbg, im new to the auto flower world so i have been doing a fair bit of research. I was reading yesterday to NOT start using flower nutes until week 7-9. apparently vertical growth will stop if flower nutes are added week 4-6 maybe this was the problem? hope this helps. peace :peace:
will have to get back to you on that, does that sound like rubbish to you? im new here and all and any info if greatly appreciated.. this is exactly what the guide said about the life cycle (as i wrote it down) - week 1-3, end of week 2 start light veg nutes. week 4-6, vertical growth will stop/slow if flower nutes added. week 7-9, start with flower nutes. week 10-11, discontinue flower nutes let fan leaves yellow.
it was a thread by muddy called the life cycle of autoflowering cannabis :)
i havnt given it any flower nutes yet only veg and ive been trying to force stretch with silicon but hey shes got so many bud sites it really doesnt matter its my for auto grow and i got 2 more autos on the way and im not gonna stress over this, thanks to everyone for stoppin by !
That 7 to 9 weeks before adding flower nutes is the thing I question,A lot of autos are usually done and ready to harvest by that time.Once they get the main f lower pistols js when I stat flower nutes
im gonna flush on day 30 and then give flower nutes because thats how i planned it and thats how its gonna go :)