New Grower First Grow Auto PP (Power Plant)

Do you bave a ph meter? What type of soil are you using? Are you growing organic or chem? I seriously think that its a ph problem slowing them down. If you are growing organic you want your ph around 6.6-6.8. Thats pretty much the sweet spot. Chems, im really not sure. Im an organics guy
Do you bave a ph meter? What type of soil are you using? Are you growing organic or chem? I seriously think that its a ph problem slowing them down. If you are growing organic you want your ph around 6.6-6.8. Thats pretty much the sweet spot. Chems, im really not sure. Im an organics guy

No, I don't have a ph meter but ill get one soon.
and i think im growing chem.

there is anything i can do to check if the growing problem is coming because the ph issue? As i said I'll get a ph meter but until then..
Temperature is between 28-32C.
Humidity is about 38-50%.
She is currently at a height of 15cm.

I did fertilize her with a local fertilizer witch good for the growth and bloom(as they said).

few questions to you guys:

I think she's a little bit smaller, not she?
When usually auto's start the flowering session?
Do i need to LST her?
any suggestions on how to accelerate her growth to the height?

Overall I really enjoy, I learned a lot and want to learn more.
I also began to bind the girl :)


Ganjastyle, yes, your plant is a little bit small, but you have small place, poor illumination, cheap fertilizers and small pot.

Temperature is a little bit high, RH is OK. Leaves on the last picture show that they suffer from light beiing too close, but I think CFLs should be used this way, I do not know much about them.

Autos start flowering after day 30, but depends what you call flowering. It is transition, not one time switch, they start to show sex after 2 weeks or later and make slow transition into flowering. You should check for your strain, autos are pretty much different.

The only thing you can do about height now is light distance, distant light promotes stretch. But your plant will do some stretch next days anyway and CFLs lose power when far away.

It is too late for LST, main stem is most probably too hard by now, plant is short and densed. And you do not need to LST if you want higher plant.

Last pictures show some nutrient deficiencies or abundancies or ph problems but you do not describe much about soil, feeding, etc., so it is impossible to say anything.

If you need further help, youd better describe soil, nutrients, watering, feeding schedule, etc. and make better pictures in sunlight.

Hope it helps, good luck.
Quick and to the point Gonzo! GangaStyle, you need some basic tools to help your situation.

1)If you are going to grow in a soil/soil less medium, you will need a ph pen and an Accurate 8 ph meter to take away the guesswork.
2) 50 watts per square foot is optimal!
3) bigger pots = bigger plants!

Yes, the devil is in the details! We need name of ferts, soil and such to help you out!

Max rep to you Gonzo!:slap:


AFN provides a tremendous amount of useful info. Read the 'stickies'. Here's one to get you started, packed with useful info if you're into soil growing: I found this in less than 15 seconds. It would, however, take me all night and all the next day to process the info. Pick a PLAN and stick to it. Don't expect great results by popping a seed into some dirt. It don't work that way. Even if it's just tomatoes.

Learn what you can from this seed, but begin planning for your NEXT seed. I can't wait to see GANJA's pics of big frosty cola's!!! Hate to say it, but I got my start from Became interested in the Autoflower strain and this is where I ended up! Check it out for basic info, but for the Autoflower grow, THIS IS THE SHIT!

Good luck!
Day 35

ok here's the soil information.
i added more light as you can see in the pictures.
now i have about 190W CFL.
she's now 30cm tall and start to grow flowers.

what do you think guys?
I'm a Newbee but looks ok to me. I need to learn also..

Thanks :peace: