Day 59 from seed on this bubblegum. Counting the days now.
Tonight I was messing around in the garden thinking back to when I was a teen in the 1980s and the war on weed. I'd read High Times magazine, purchased next to Huster at the liquor store, and they'd have articles on when weed will be legal and the fight NORML was doing. I couldn't see a time back then when it could be legal.
Now in CA I'm growing my own recreational stash legally which is pretty damn cool. The legal part wasn't a concern back then but now as a small business owner, single father and living in a conservative small town in the mountains the legal part is a big thing because of my family.
It took a long time but at least the end of prohibition is now in sight for the rest of the US. The fact that recreational passed in California, Nevada, Massachusetts, Maine, DC, Hawaii recently is huge not to mention the pioneer Colorado, then Oregon, Washington.
Hopefully the legalization for recreational follows for other countries next. I have a feeling my bothers and sisters in the UK won't be long behind
Gotta look for the positive.
Below is my bubblegum on day 5 of final flush.
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Tonight I was messing around in the garden thinking back to when I was a teen in the 1980s and the war on weed. I'd read High Times magazine, purchased next to Huster at the liquor store, and they'd have articles on when weed will be legal and the fight NORML was doing. I couldn't see a time back then when it could be legal.
Now in CA I'm growing my own recreational stash legally which is pretty damn cool. The legal part wasn't a concern back then but now as a small business owner, single father and living in a conservative small town in the mountains the legal part is a big thing because of my family.
It took a long time but at least the end of prohibition is now in sight for the rest of the US. The fact that recreational passed in California, Nevada, Massachusetts, Maine, DC, Hawaii recently is huge not to mention the pioneer Colorado, then Oregon, Washington.
Hopefully the legalization for recreational follows for other countries next. I have a feeling my bothers and sisters in the UK won't be long behind
Gotta look for the positive.
Below is my bubblegum on day 5 of final flush.
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