First Grow 2 sick plants. Boody Skunk Sweet Cheese

Apr 5, 2017
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Ive got a Bloody skunk that has always been very light green from sprout. Growth hasnt been stunted but it is quite spindly. After they showed sex and began to flower i started to see rust spots appear.


The bloody skunk is the middle center.

Yesterday i noticed my sweet cheese to the right of the BS started having issues with its lower leaves. Today i went to check on them and my sweet cheese is getting progessivly worse.

These spots showed up over night.
And they are on both 1st and 2nd node fan leaves.

Some info on my grow.
Using R/O water, GH GO box and real growers recharge
I dont ph nor do i water to run off.
Medium is 30%perlite 30%cocogro 40%Happy frog.
I have a journal in new growers if any more info is needed.
A picture of my sweetcheese from last night.

As you can see the leaves werent nearly as bad 12 hrs ago. Now they're practically dead. Im wondering if its beacuse I fed them veg nutes a few days ago when I should have started them on bloom. Although the bloody skunk already had rust prior to this last feeding.
The sweet cheeses issues began after the feed which leads me to believe thats where its issues are comming from. May be coincidental. I dont know. It was my best plant prior to this morning.
Otto, you need to post some pics in natural or white light. Just can not get a decent diagnosis under grow lights. A few things cross my mind right off. First is that you are not monitoring any pH levels. I know with organic everyone claims pH does not matter, but the pH can get you into lockout troubles with organics too. With not pHing your feeds in combination with not feeding to 15% runoff or so, my bet is you are getting residual salts built up in you medium and your pH is crashing into lockout. The only way to proceed is to determine what your medium pH is. If you are getting into lockout, giving more feeds will quickly make things worse. I can see an obvious Mg def, but again that does not mean the Mg is not just bound up in the soil. If you have access to a good soil pH probe like an Accurate 8, get a medium pH and report back. Again, pics in natural light. If no soil probe is available, you can try the runoff method, wildly variable but will get you a idea where things are at.
:yeahthat: :thumbsup: ... Otto, I think it's part P defc. as well, with the large necrotic patches,.... Also, the soil blend isn't a good ratio, plus all that coco means you have to mind you Ca-Mg inputs constantly, since coco is a CA hog and you have a large % in there,.. too much perlite as well, with the coco in there... this "dilutes" the mediums capacity to hold nutes, and such super drainage promoting mix isn't necessary for a organic grow, and little to no run-off,... either stay straight soil, or learn coco growing... it's a great medium, but it's so NOT a soil, and has several quirks, do's and don'ts that if not followed will come back to bite you,... coco is a common component in soil, yes, but at a smaller ratio that this,... coco drains very very well, resists compaction, so perlite is not really needed, or a small amount is used,... perlite in true soil is another matter, and is critical to keeping it free-draining and breathing,... coco wants to run at a different pH range than soil too, and has very different nutrient holding capacities,... blends like this often end up in a compromised middle that satisfies neither end of the true soil/soillesss spectrum well!
Organics are mild, and slower acting,.. are you feeding at full conc.? Excellent that you're using Recharge! Microbes are key++ in organics, even bottled stuff,...
Thank you for the reccomendations. Greatly appreciated. I can totally see what youre saying about my medium. The stuff is light as a feather and i can tell the perlite isnt doing much. Would you reccomend ommitting the coco grow for happy frog?

Would knock quite a few dollars off of my cost for medium.

The Sweet cheese was starving for something and made a complete turn around after feeding bloom.
The blody skunk has seen mild improvment and is still pale like she has alwas been.

Waira i do think you were correct with the P sugestion. I was trying to get the most out of my girls and fed them veg instead of bloom. On top of that theyve been Grossly underfed and overwatered most of their lives.
I am soil grower. I add about 20-30% coco to my soil (Plagron lightmix). Try this.