Well I've got five girls coming down in the next 3-4 weeks and it should yield me enough trim for my first extraction run
. Qwiso or BHO?
As far as the Qwiso goes it seems easier and cheaper but there's not a whole lot of info out there on the correct procedures. There's a couple of vids on the tube but not much more then that. Anybody got a good method for this? Mainly how much alcohol per grams of material.
Bho on the other hand will be an expensive process. Extraction tubes, fuel, vacuum setup, etc. Plus I don't really have a good place to perform the extraction. My backyard is to populated. There is/are a ton of vids and info out there so I feel like I have the info I need for a proper extraction.
I don't mind spending the $$ on a BHO setup but like I said I'm struggling to find a good place to do it.
So how about the differences between Qwiso and Bho?
I've heard that butane is a better solvent and alcohol is cleaner....
Eventually I will do both but I'm leaning more towards Qwiso for my first extraction.
I'd love to get some input on this. Extraction experts wanted.
Stay green AFN

As far as the Qwiso goes it seems easier and cheaper but there's not a whole lot of info out there on the correct procedures. There's a couple of vids on the tube but not much more then that. Anybody got a good method for this? Mainly how much alcohol per grams of material.
Bho on the other hand will be an expensive process. Extraction tubes, fuel, vacuum setup, etc. Plus I don't really have a good place to perform the extraction. My backyard is to populated. There is/are a ton of vids and info out there so I feel like I have the info I need for a proper extraction.
I don't mind spending the $$ on a BHO setup but like I said I'm struggling to find a good place to do it.
So how about the differences between Qwiso and Bho?
I've heard that butane is a better solvent and alcohol is cleaner....
Eventually I will do both but I'm leaning more towards Qwiso for my first extraction.
I'd love to get some input on this. Extraction experts wanted.
Stay green AFN