New Grower First ever grow with what I have on hand

Looks really good Time! This is shaping up to be a great grow. Almost in the home stretch!
how close was your lights when they didn't like it and plant age? You could try lowering it an inch a day to see if it will create a problem. Every strain/pheno is different. I would think youd be able to get it down to 18 inches. Then again i may be wrong. I'm just a novice grower as well with just alot of reading around lol.

18 inches is where I started when I switched from the t8 lights. Leaf edges began to curl up. But I was running a 20/4 light schedual. I think you're probably right. I should be able to lower the light now that it's on 18/6 and when the stretch is over.
You may not be the first one to grow there.
:) I'm raising my first proper plant, a photo. It's still in veg, barely showing sex. Congrats on the progress and success so far.

Nice. Did you start a journal?

I have a freebie photo seed I want to germ but It'll have to wait for a grow or two before I get the chance.
It's time for an update.

She quit stretching around day 38 at 29.5" from soil to tip and has nothing to do now but grow me some bud. Hopefully, she is a hard worker. :kiss:

I watered yesterday, day 41, using well water and added a bit of epsom salts and some Flower Fuel at the recommended dose. I watered to a slight runoff. I think the time release ferts in the soil are used up as there doesn't seem to be any sign of too much N at this stage. I'm not using Miracle Gro Potting mix which has 6 month ferts, I'm using the all purpose garden soil with "up to" 3 months ferts. If the ferts are not tapped out like I think, I may have burnt her with flower fuel but there is no sign of that yet.

I did get a PH pen a few days ago as suggested by others early in my grow. I haven't used it yet though. I'm curious about the ph of my well water but have not got around to testing it.

Pictures coming soon. As always, if anyone sees something that I've missed let me know. Her first true leaves and first two fan leaves have yellowed and died but I think it's just age and possibly they got water on them so I haven't paid any attention to them. The rest of her looks good to me.
Week 6/day 42
