Grow Mediums First DWC grow - Full Advanced Nutrients lineup

Sep 4, 2015
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Would you like to see what I have been preparing?
Please, come in.

I have 2x2x2 tent with LED lights, 11 oxypots and also one extra for switching pots.
I will be adding a silencer to the exhaust fan tubing to combat airflow sound. I'm also going to add co2 dispenser and time it with the exhaust, and one MarsHydro led with 200 true watts. Still a bit worried if I have enough light since I had to remove one very loud china led, I do not want to disturb my downstairs neighbor. Next step for this project is to wait for seeds to germinate and install my (soon) new General hydroponics Dual Diaphgram pump and 12 valve system to give air all to my pots. It is said to make zero noise on carpet floor. We'll see. If it holds, then my system will be very quiet. I am growing strictly for my own medical use and research purposes. I'm still unsure whether I will use the ceramic airstones I got with the buckets.

I will grow:
3x Med Gom 1.0
3x CBD Sugar Gom Auto
1x Maxi Gom
1x White Train Auto
1x Critical + Auto
1x Sweet Trainwreck Auto
1x Chili (Naga Morich and 3 other grown in one hydroponic bucket)
+ other plants for occasional sunbathing and picture feats, I have a lot

I'm very pleased for the exhaust fan system. It is almost silent when run on half speed (500m3/h). The ducting is acoustic.

I have a speaker which plays classical music and psytrance to the plants, and also cancels a bit of the LED fan noise.

I will be using all the Advanced Nutrients products if possible. Here are some of them. I'm pretty sure my White Buckets with Voodoo Juice, Piranha and Tarantula will keep unwanted bacteria away. I also disinfected the buckets and hydroclay today.

Here are the seeds, planted into Root Riot cubes and moistened with Voodoo Juice solution.

I hope you will enjoy this grow diary,

Edit: I prefer not to have pictures linked since they are quite large and destroy my nice formatting. I hope you don't mind clicking the links.
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It's still day 0 for the plants, none of them have seen the sun LEDs.

Today, after 2 and a half days worth of waiting, I decided to very gently pry my Root Riot cubes open and give my seeds a new home in new, identical cubes. What could possibly go wrong. :biggrin: Reason being, I did not pre-soak the seeds to see if they would sprout, and also because I had planted some of the seeds very deep and possibly wrong way up.

As I proceeded with a surgical precision aided with, I managed to move all the sprouted seeds to their new homes with taproot fully intact. (Hopefully) Few of them had been planted upside down and there was some curling of the root. Next time I will surely soak them beforehand. Two "CBD Auto Sugar GOMs" had not sprouted at all and I decided to give them one more day in a glass of water. If they wont pop, I'm going to start two Auto Mazars.

I infused the new cubes with a solution of:
1ml / liter Voodoo Juice
1ml / liter Tarantula
1ml / liter Piranha
1ml / B-52
0,5ml / liter Connoisseur Grow A+B mostly to balance the ph.
1 ml / liter Liqud Carboload so the beneficial fungi and bacteria have carbohydrates to eat while colonizing the cube.

For now, I do not plan to add anything else, the plants will surely grow nicely for a week or so with only pH'd water.
Lastly, a money shot of all the plant food reserved for the plants.

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I would also like to have some constructive criticism if you got any.
Been growing in soil, mixtures, coconut and outdoors. Now I've realized that Deep water culture is the simplest and most efficient way to grow cannabis. If it is possible to feed the plant with only a bucket and an air pump, why bother with NFT, Ebb & flow, drippers etc. Plant has less contact with the nutrient solution and more contact with something else.

Project is coming on nicely. I've decided the plants are now day 5 since seeing the light, even tho their ages vary a bit. I stunted the growth by handling the seeds but it is fine. Feeding 1ml/L Connoisseur Grow AB, 1ml/L sensizym, 2ml/L VJ, Piranha, Tarantula, 1ml/L B52, very little Sensi Cal + Mag and 1ml/L carboload. Spraying some Mother Earth grow blend with water.

The pump I am using, General Hydroponics dual Diaphgram pump. It is not completely silent, and the ceramic airstones make the buckets vibrate. I have tried to dampen the sounds with some insulation panels etc. I'm a bit worried if my downstairs neighbor can hear the humming, but I can't do anything more than keep my fingers crossed. It is 60 dB in the room and there is one layer of soundproofing padding on the floor (advertised as max 19 db reduction). I'm actually pretty impressed how low I got the sound. Most of the noise come from the pump and the LED fans. So hopefully hardwood floor and these panels dampen the sound to < 40 db. The pump is sitting on a pile of stuff to make sure water can't siphon back into it.


All the beans did sprout except for chilis, I'm still waiting for them.

Two best plants:


At first, I thought I had lost one seed. Found it now, hahah. We'll see how these plants compare to a single plant of the same strain in one bucket.

Some of the best roots:


From this plant, I accidentally broke the main root in half. It has compensated by growing multiple roots:

Guest starring, weeping fig is really loving the nutrients and water. I bought this from _flea market_ as a seedling for 1 euro.
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hey man ! Its look great , u got an real big project wish u the best of luck ! :) btw what do use also from AN ? I would like 2 start a dwc 2 whir AN , now iam searching for infomation :)
Subbed. Been growing in promix hd and hand watering for the last year. Really interested in the DWC process. It makes sense. I also use the full AN Sensi PH perfect line. It would be nice to not have to switch nutes. Am looking forward to seeing how your grow turns out. Lots of grow :karmacloud: for you.