New Grower first auto journal

I know it's only been 3 day's since my last update, but damn! look at the growth. I'm going to have to take down my "training" bag seed plant's in a few day's to make room for this one. plus it's starting to get aromatic and i'll need that carbon filter!


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YES! I was a late starter on guitar. did not start playing until I was 50 so im just a beginner but I love far as the plant's, I think once the root's get established they grow like crazy. the first week or two make me nervous then BOOM they go crazy like learning a new chord or scale !

lol, that is a great analogy!! The way your plants are looking now, i am sure you will be playing some super-inspired stuff!!Hop digity
Nice!!!! I will buy a new carbon filter also.... that cheap ebay filter doesnt work so good and its very loud.
What Lti and filter do you want to get?
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Nice!!!! I will bbuy a neww carbon fiolter also.... that cheap ebay filter doesnt work so good and its very loud.
What Lti and filter do you want to get?

I have a 4 inch flange x 12 inch long phresh filter and a homemade exhaust fan made out of a bathroom exhaust fan.the fan work's well and is almost silent. I highly recommend the fresh filter as no smell's come out of the cabinet. a little pricy but I've read good review's that say it last a long time


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Those plants look like their in great shape. Cant wait to see how they turn out. I think this is gonna be a nice one.
They look like perfect little mommas! Ive tried a few different size pots and the 3 gallon works the best for me. when i use 4 or 5 gallon pots with autoflowers the roots get to big and the plant will get real fat and not stretch as much as i like.

thank's for the tip The Elvis. I guess it's off to the hydro store f some 3 gal pot's.